Sunday, November 10, 2013

We all need something sweet ... Fair Scones

As I mentioned in my Welcome Home Basket post I made some yummy treats that are found in this area.  We have a Washington State Fair here in the next town, there you can get these yummy scones.  They are my favorite thing!  So I had to make them for my Seattle themed basket and I doubled the batch so I could have extra's to give to the tutor and to the friend that helps me with the boys to get on or off the bus.

I found this yummy recipe for Puyallup Fair Scones on they were easy to make and tasted like the real thing ... ok well it was very close!


    • 2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
    • 2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 6 tablespoons shortening
    • 3/4 cup milk
    • 1/2 cup raisins ( if omitting raisins, add another 2 Tbs of milk)


  1. Sift and measure the flour.
  2. Re-sift with other dry ingredients.
  3. Work shortening into dry ingredients with the fingers.
  4. Add rasinins to flour-fat mixture and mix thoroughly (you may omit raisins).
  5. Add milk to mixture. (If you are omitting the raisins, add another 2 Tablespoons of milk).
  6. Turn out on to a floured board and divide into two equal pieces.
  7. Roll or pat each into a round and to the thickness of biscuits (3/4 inch to a full inch).
  8. Cut into wedge shaped pieces like a pie and bake about 15 minutes at 450 degrees on an ungreased baking sheet.
    ALEXIS NOTES:  I used my cornbread silicone mold to make the scone shape :). I didn't use the raisins. I have not mastered jelly or jam making so I used a local farm brand we love to fill them.

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE


  1. I love scones, but I have never tried to make them myself. There is a little shop about 5 minutes from me that makes amazing ones from scratch, so I usually just go there :)

  2. They sounds yummy....I haven't had a scone in a long time!

  3. These look delicious. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above


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