Thursday, January 23, 2014

Featured on Pin Me Party 69

I'm so excited my Avocado Hummus  was featured on my friend (also an amazing webpage designer, check mine out she did it) Diana Rambles Pin Me Party 69.  I loved this recipe so much and glad that other's loved it too.  It was so simple to make and I'm sure if I would have shared the kids and Rick would have liked it too ... teehehe.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Rick's bday is next Friday but the Kids Night Out at the YMCA is this weekend so it looks like date night for us.  I think we will go to the Spunky Monkey in Auburn, WA that was just on Restaurant Impossible last week.  I'm so excited to go see it I haven't been there since my party years (pre kids).


  1. How exciting - congratulations. And have fun tonite :)

  2. That is the worst name for a restaurant....I hope you have fun!

  3. Avacado Hummus! Wow, that sounds divine :) Hope you are having a lovely weekend dear Alexis!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!