Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting my Eyes on

I've been wearing glasses for 7 years now.  NOW I should probably have always worn glasses but I could function and see "good enough" to drive and function.  Until one day when I was about 6 months pregnant with Caden I woke up and couldn't see a thing.  YUP FREAK out moment!  Called my doctor who so nicely reassured me it's just part of the pregnancy and the swelling it will go back to normal soon.   YUP well normal didn't come!  I tried contacts but they are a pain, I'm also a lazy person when it comes to me things I just want quick and easy.  So glasses became my thing, I found funky ones that became my personality.  I like my funky glasses but since I'm reinventing me why not my style too.  My mom has offered to buy laser surgery for my eyes!

I went to get a consultation yesterday to see if I'm a candidate.  I was and was told I could do Lasik or PRK.  Since I have a stigmatism it looks like the PRK would be a better out come for me.  The recovery is a little longer (not instant like Lasik) but I won't have the flap on my eye and less chance of infection.
PRK was the first type of laser eye surgery for vision correction and is the predecessor to the popular LASIK procedure. Though PRK recovery takes a bit longer than recovery from LASIK eye surgery, PRK is still commonly performed and offers advantages over LASIK for some patients.
Like LASIK and other types of laser eye surgery, PRK works by reshaping the cornea using an excimer laser, allowing light entering the eye to be properly focused onto the retina for clear vision.
The main difference between PRK and LASIK is that in LASIK surgery a thin, hinged flap is created on the cornea to access the treatment area, whereas in PRK the cornea's entire epithelial (outer) layer is removed to expose the area and no flap is created. For both PRK and LASIK, the excimer laser then sculpts the stromal layer of the cornea to correct your refractive error.
So the surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday afternoon (thankfully with me working with a 3 hour time difference it will be the end of my day) and I'll take Thursday off work and work my half day on Friday and Saturday.  I'm a bit nervous but so excited to have clear vision!

Bye Bye Glasses I'll miss you!!!


  1. I wish you complete success. Mark had Lasik a few years ago and it worked well although he should have got it also done for reading. He traded one pair of glasses for another! Now he was maybe 60 and they say the younger you are the better it is!

  2. Yay! I have such a slight correction, it really isn't in the game plan for me. I can see to read fine, I only need glasses for driving...so I don't have them on all the time. Can't wait to see you without glasses!

  3. How exciting!! I'll be praying for ya tomorrow and as you recover in the days that follow <3


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