Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Restaurant Impossible Visited Spunky Monkey

Rick and I had date night last Saturday, the boys were at the YMCA Kids Night Out and we had a free night.  I love watching Restaurant Impossible and they came to a town not to far from us and we had to go check it out.  

The Spunky Monkey is in Auburn, Washington.  It's a Bar / Restaurant.  I used to go hang there with friends pre kids.  It was what you would expect a bar to be like dark and greasy food!  Robert and his crew did a great job sprucing the place up.  It was a fun night out, the staff were very nice but the food was way over priced.  We walked out around $52, which I thought was crazy high.  

I started with the hummus for $8 it was a good deal, the salmon I had was like $17 and you had a small amount of sweet potato (really it was yams but they can call them sweet potatoes).  Which I guess is the going price but I'd expect that in a big fancy place not a bar / restaurant.  We had fun and that is all that matters, we don't get many date nights out.  Rick is usually working 2 jobs and doesn't leave to many free night.  You may have saw him on the SeaHawks game 2 weeks ago (he was the security guard that opened the gate for the 2nd injured player, see pic below).

Here are some fun pictures of our date night!

Rick on TV :)
Photo: Ricky on tv!!

Have a great day, I'm recovering from eye surgery!


  1. No way! What a fun idea. There is a restaurant right by me that was on Kitchen nightmares that I have been wanting to go to.

  2. Your date night sounds wonderful
    I hope your eye surgery recovery is going well!

  3. I saw that episode and the name of the place just - ugh! Awful, awful name. Glad you had fun though.

  4. First off, date night??? You might have to explain that one to me...not sure I understand the concept??? How cool to have a peek of Rick on TV!!! AND... eye surgery!!! Geesh, take it easy girly. Feel better fast!!

  5. The food looks good but I have to agree that seems a little pricy.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!