Friday, February 7, 2014

Proud Mama Moments

Two Sunday's a go Cole asked to come sit with me in church instead of going to the kids zone.  He has been wanting more and more to come sit with me.  Which is not too bad since he does sit and listen and doesn't talk too much to me.   Our pastor was having his sermon and when he was closing he said I will baptize anyone who wants to.  Cole looked at me and said mom I would like to go up.  I said ok honey if you want that would be awesome.  At first he was a little scared since I wouldn't be walking up with him but the he said Mom I'm going to do it!  He walked up to the front of the church (in front of 600 to 1000 people).  He was the youngest of our service.  And the claps and tears from all was amazing.  I'm so proud of him and his decision.

During my recovery for eye surgery, we had a few more proud mama moments.

Caden got his second award at school.  This time he got an award for Math.  I was so proud of him I did venture out for this appointment but man did my eyes hurt and I went right to bed afterwards. 

Cole also had his first basketball game on Saturday and I was sadly in no shape to leave the house I sent the boys with my parents with my camera.  Sadly I looked at the pictures and all except this one was blurry :(. 
I'm so proud of my boys and and the amazing people they are becoming!

Have a wonderful Weekend!! 


  1. Look at them growing up right before your eyes into amazing young men!

  2. Such wonderful news. I'm so proud of Cole, that was an amazing moment and way to go Caden on getting the award in math!

  3. (sniff) I got tears in my eyes. Feeling so good for you. There is no better reward than seeing how wonderful your children are becoming as you sit and watch them mature before your eyes. Pat yourself on the back my friend!

  4. Oh man that is amazing!!

    You have some great boys!

  5. It is so nice when you see your kids growing up into kind human being, that know what they want in life. Kudos to you Alexis for raising him right.

  6. You have every right to be a very proud Mama

  7. Congrats on Cole's baptism! Sounds like you have a lot to be proud of.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!