Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The new years resolutions are still on ..

I thought by now the new year resolution gang would kick off but we still have a ton at the gym lately with their no gym manners.  How hard is it to have respect for those around you?  LOL it just makes me laugh (ok sometimes want to scream at times) when people decide it's ok to talk on cell phones or carry on loud conversations with their neighbor or heck someone across the room.  Saw this gym funny and had to share.

Funny New Year's Ecard: My New Year's resolution is to switch to a gym where there are far fewer people whose New Year's resolution was to go to the gym.

On my front I have the cookie dough made, but I'm sadly behind on the rest ... YIKES


  1. I was at Panera yesterday and the lady in the booth across from me was having a very loud conversation on her phone It was very distracting.

  2. I'm amazed when people think it's okay to carry on those loud phone convos anywhere! I saw someone do it in a Doctors office last week! So rude.

  3. I used to belong to a fitness center before I moved here. It was crowded all of the time and I could never get on the machine I wanted.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!