Thursday, March 13, 2014

I think I'm Insane ... I love my Insanity Workout!

I'm on my journey to loosing the weight I put on going back to a normal healthy diet (instead of the awesome diet that helped me loose fast but wasn't giving me all the good things my body needed).  In that I have been going to the gym 6 days a week, I love the gym gives me time to read on the elliptical.  Which is a great way to burn like 600 calories in 60 minutes but it wasn't doing a lot for me to help tone and really loose weight.

So I added in the water aerobics more thinking that would help, but sadly it wasn't doing the trick.  Then I had the brilliant idea to try bootcamp.  That class kicked my butt, It sadly was too much running for me.  I have a torn ACL and running for 30 minutes really made me limp out and not being able to walk for a few days.  

I waited a week then thought ok I'll give this a try again, my friends love this class.  So I hit up the YMCA and ask what room the class is in.  I go sit and wait for the class to start and to my surprise it was not bootcamp it was Insanity!  Oh lord what did I get myself into, but then I looked around and saw people of all ages and sizes.  Ok I'm not feeling so bad!  I did it, thought I may die a few times but it wasn't too hard and they showed modified moves that helped me with the jumping that can aggravate my knee or make my knee give out which is always fun in public.  It sucked at times but overall a good work out and was excited to go back on Wednesday.  So I think I found my new class to help me get back to where I wanted to know.  It's only Monday, Wednesday and Friday but I'll take it!



  1. Keep up the good work! I am proud of you!

  2. I'm have been so impressed with your hard work and dedication. You rock!

  3. It's great when you find the workout that does what you need and makes you want to go back again

  4. I saw that workout on TV. I strained my muscles just WATCHING it!!!! Keep up the good work!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. Oh my goodness. You rock. Better woman than I. I think I've had a good work if I park far from the door when I go shopping.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!