Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter Treat ... Easter Bunny Bread (Made with Basic Bread Machine White Bread)

Next on our Easter list to make was a fun treat to take to the annual 1,000 Egg Egg Hunt my friend host.  I showed you the Bunny Nutter Butter Cookies last week I made for the party.  I saw this Easter Bunny Bread on Pinterest and I knew I had to give it a whirl.  Their's was super cute and I must say I was pretty happy with the one I created.  I must say I can bust out cookies or cakes, NOW molding a bread into a shape was a WHOLE new ballgame for me.

The recipe on Taste of Home called for Frozen Bread.  I decided that I rather make a homemade bread.  I found a Basic Bread Machine White Bread that I MUST say is the BEST bread I have ever made! 

What You Need:

1-POUND LOAF    INGREDIENTS2/3 cup                       water
4 teaspoons                sugar
3/4 teaspoon              salt
4 teaspoons                nonfat dry milk powder
4 teaspoons                butter OR margarine
2 cups                          bread flour
1-1/2 teaspoons         Bread Machine Yeast OR RapidRise Yeast

Add ingredients to bread machine pan in the order suggested by manufacturer. 

For the Bunny Bread I started with homemade bread, BUT you can use frozen if you would like.  If you want a great bread machine bread follow recipe above and just set for dough setting.  I doubled the recipe, since I was just doing the dough I knew my machine could handle the 2 lbs.  NOW if you're baking my would only handle 1 1/2 lbs.

What you Need for the Bunny:


  • 2 loaves (1 pound each) frozen bread dough, thawed
  • 2 raisins
  • 2 sliced almonds
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • Dip of your choice


  • Cut a fourth off of one loaf of dough; shape into a pear to form
  • head. For body, flatten remaining portion into a 7-in. x 6-in. oval;
  • place on a greased baking sheet. Place head above body. Make narrow
  • cuts, about 3/4 in. deep, on each side of head for whiskers.
  • Cut second loaf into four equal portions. For ears, shape two
  • portions into 16-in. ropes; fold ropes in half. Arrange ears with
  • open ends touching head. Cut a third portion of dough in half; shape
  • each into a 3-1/2-in. oval for back paws. Cut two 1-in. slits on top
  • edge for toes. Position on each side of body.
  • Divide the fourth portion of dough into three pieces. Shape two
  • pieces into 2-1/2-in. balls for front paws; shape the remaining
  • piece into two 1-in. balls for cheeks and one 1/2-in. ball for nose.
  • Place paws on each side of body; cut two 1-in. slits for toes. Place
  • cheeks and nose on face. Add raisins for eyes and almonds for teeth.
  • Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 30-45
  • minutes. Brush dough with egg. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes

For the Dip I just made a quick Ranch Dip.  I had a small dish that I cut a hole int he bunnies belly and placed it in there and added the Ranch dip inside.  I cut up celery and had mini carrots that I placed around the bunny.

Any Easter Parties or Plans?

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh Girl while I was molding it, I kept thinking this is NEVER going to look right. I almost gave up half way through it.

  2. Impressive! You have way more patience than I do!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!