Tuesday, June 10, 2014

End of Year Gift ... Have a Fun Summer Teacher Gift

Now for the teacher gift!  As many of you know this has been a rough start of the year for Cole.  Last year he had such a hard time with his impulse control and having a teacher that didn't understand him or saw his heart.  This year we have gone through a battle but I think we have found the right stuff.  We have him on some great medication for his ADHD which allows him to think (no more my head hurts mom to many thoughts).  AND we have a TEACHER who is to the moon and back the best thing EVER!  She saw who he was and has helped push him to become GREAT.  This is the first year we have ended with such a positive end of year review.  

I wanted to give her something special to say thank you.  I found a great idea on Pinned Sisters for a Teacher Summer gift.  I took it and made some changes and made my own. I couldn't find a printable so I made my own if you would like it here it is (click here), print on a 5x7 cardstock.

What you Need:
Tea Container 
Beach Towel
Drink (Crystal light or a Slush Adult Drink)
Life Saver Candy (Or Sunkist Candy) 

I rolled the towel and rapped it with ribbon to make it tight to fit in the container.  I stuffed it in with the sunscreen, drink (adult drink because she deserves it) and Candy.  My jug was a little short so the magazine didn't fit in, so I tied it to the outside with ribbon.  I printed my message on the card stock and attached with a ribbon.  Easy but so cute!!

 Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. That is one that I bet will come in handy for a lot of teachers over the summer!

  2. I'm a bad mommy and don't really do gifts lol. But this is adorable!

  3. It's wonderful when teachers really click with your child! This is a cool gift too. Thanks for sharing at Snickerdoodle Sunday! :)

  4. Teachers are typically underpaid and under appreciated. I am sure any teach will love this gift! Thanks for sharing, Millie

  5. Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream's City of Links on Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!