Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Woe's of being a Mom ....

Here we are 3 weeks into school!  At this time we've run through almost all our new clothes, I've tried to either bleach or spray away the stains on these new clothes.  We have had melt downs over homework and having to brush our teeth.  

By this time last year I was starting to see the wear and tear on the backpacks I picked up. Oh yes you would think that they would last but they didn't.  Yes I bought them on sale but I bought them from a popular store in the mall. Then you think to yourself oh yes I remember that time I thought they had everything in the car before we took off only to see in my mirror we were dragging something from the car door.  Or the time you watched your child pull their backpack across the pavement because "MOM my arms are so tried after a LONG day of school. Or how about the time you're waiting for the bus to see your child drop that said backpack on the ground INTO a mud puddle.

This year I learned my lesson no cheap backpacks yes I saved in the beginning BUT when I had to replace said backpack it really wasn't a saving!  This year we hit up Staples for some nice a sturdy backpacks!  A know the habits of the boys are not going to change so as they say if you can't beat them join them.  And I will join with well made items!

And for the times the boys let me make a lunch instead of a hot lunch from the lunch lady. We love lunch ladies and all but wouldn't you want a fun bento box lunch? Yeah I thought so to but boys rather have the pizza.  On the other days we do fun lunches in our lunch box from staples. And our lunch box is no exception to the rule of what happens to the backpack also happens to the lunch box.  OH yes but what we see come home in lunch boxes is juice boxes that weren't drank the whole way and squeezed all over.  Or my favorite is left over apple sauce that is squeezed out all over the inside. For this I must have a lunch box that can go through the washer with our falling apart!

And for the quiet moments mom can sit back and read a book on the Kindle Fire I found at Staples.  Yeah those are rare moments, most of the time I find the boys playing Minecraft on it.  And the best times is when the boys and the tutor are reading books and googling how to do a math problem!

So we are back in the swing of things here!  I'll be up to my eyeballs in laundry, maybe hiding in a closet to read my book on the kindle with coffee.  But as Mom's we wouldn't change any of it for anything, we just will learn and buy better items .. and maybe stock up on wet ones to help clean some of the germs away!

Thank you again Staples for the amazing opportunity to spread the word.

Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I did all my boys back to school shopping at Staples. They had everything I needed.

    1. Love them. And for this mom who never leaves the house their website rocks!

  2. You can find a world of great stuff at Staples - those backpacks look great

  3. oh b ento boxes are way cuter than anything the lunch lady can come up with

    1. I KNOW .. you would think they so would want them .. BUT no they want stinking school lunch. I so remember hating school lunches .. lol


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!