Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happenings around here! Remodeling, Hair and Taking a Leadership Role

It's been a little wild around our house the last few weeks.  Between the family and all the cakes I've taken on for the charity I work for I'm hanging on by a string!  BUT it's been a lot of GREAT Moments!

First we start with Cole.  As many of you know we have had a long hard ride getting him in the right place with school and his ADHD.  After many years of trying everything we went to medication that he says "helps his head stop spinning".  This year his teacher and the YMCA staff have come up to me to tell me what a total change he has made and the leadership role he stepped up to.  NOW we hired a tutor who was a retired teacher who I thought was the answer to our prayers.  Which turned out to be a nightmare, filling me and my kids with nonsense that Cole will not make it through school.  GRRR there was more and LONG emails about this but I'm moving on and not letting her bring us down!

For the kids bikes, Rick and Cole built a shed.  

Then on to the house remodel!  Rick got a killer deal on carpet so we prepped the front room. Rick was working two jobs so I ripped up the carpet all on my own (and paid for it for two days .. lol).  Rick and Cole painted the room a nice shiny brown with white on the chair railing Rick installed.  We even found a great deal on a flat screen we put up.  The front room really came all together!

Then we moved on to the dinning and kitchen area.  The old flooring is the light colored we put in when we first moved in 11 years ago.  The darker warmer is the new floor I picked out.  I just love the feel of it.  We found a $180 chandelier on clearance for $40 plus an extra 10% off for being a floor model!  Then we found a fridge on clearance for $300 off!  Oh yes it's been a blessing of deals for the house!  THEN we found out the floor was discontinued and we weren't able to finish the boys rooms with it.  But on a whim we hit up a discount tile and flooring store and there was a stack of the flooring we needed!  Oh yes and on SALE lower then what we had already paid.  

And my 20 YEAR high school reunion is the weekend so I had to get a new do.  I went with one I have never done before.  Blonde on top and black on the bottom.  Oh yes black never thought I'd do it, but I love it!!!!

More reveal's to come.  The kitchen is getting new cabinets and a new stove.  The boys room with get the flooring and our room will get new carpet.  NOW prayers that the house will appraise for what I owe so I can re-fi.  


  1. Hi! Thanks for coming by to see us! I read the first part of this post 3 times and it made me sad that people, who do not know anything about ADHD, have an opinion about it. You did the right thing for him. When your child is smiling and feels better about himself and is happy..... it IS the right thing. You have a lot going on in your life! :) A busy life is a good one. Best wishes and nice to meet you. ~ Denise @BeBetsy

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. You are so on the money, so many love to give advice but have no clue!

  2. And a huge congrats on your personal success! Has My Fitness Pal helped a lot? Just curious. Thanks ~ Denise

    1. It does if I actually stick with entering and watching everything :)

  3. The remodel looks like it's going great. Yay.

  4. Glad to hear that Cole is doing so well. The house looks great, you have been doing so much work on it and it has paid off. Love the hair!

    1. Thank you, it's been rough so glad we are repeating the benefits. xoxo

  5. Look at you you yummy Mummy you're going yo rock the reunion. No better workout than removing carpet, been there oi. Don't ever let anyone make judgements about your kids what a pain glad you went your steps rate ways with that person.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!