Thursday, October 9, 2014

Happenings Here ... High School Reunion and House Remodel

It's been crazy busy around here but it's been great!  This week we have teacher conferences so it's 1/2 days around here, which when you work from home makes it a little fun but we manage .. lol.  

THIS is the first time that I did not have a pit in my stomach when having these conferences. The teachers had nothing but great things to say for BOTH boys.  It was so amazing to sit there and here my boys were on track and excelling!  We've worked so hard to get here!

I also had my 20 year High School reunion this past weekend!  I know time sure does fly by fast.  I was only going to go to the pre-funk the night before but a friend had an extra ticket and offered it to me!  So I went and I'm so happy to say I did it was a great time!

Me in High School and Prom :)

The first night I met up with some friends and we hit the Homecoming Football game and then went to the bar for the prefunk.

Had to go out and buy some Purple and Gold to wear .. lol

The second night I met up my other friends and we went to the reunion.  It was at a casino conference room with buffet food that wasn't good. BUT the friends and the talking was great! We did hit up a local bar later to have some nacho's!

And the house remodel is coming along!  We have a working NEW stove in!  And Rick is building the bar and the tile to go on top.  Can't wait to see it all completed!  We got a killer deal on bar chairs and a glass back splash that is going to be stunning!

Have a GREAT Weekend!


  1. I love that you're doing a kitchen remodel! So exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of the finished project :-) So glad you that had a nice time with your high school reunion too. :-)

  2. I'm so glad you went to your class reunion. I know I enjoyed mine! You have been doing so many updates to your home and it looks wonderful! I bet your loving it.......

  3. Fun stuff! I went to my reunion in June and it was SO good to see everyone.

  4. I'm happy your school conferences went so well. I'm not surprised though. You are a completely dedicated mother - modeling creativity, generosity and hard work every single day. Kids who have someone like you in charge always value their own education!

  5. I'm glad to hear the boys are doing well in school. Looks like you had fun at your reunion. I just recently found out about my 20th HS reunion next year. I plan on attending.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!