Sunday, August 2, 2015

TMNT Party ... Nunchucks (Swiss Rolls)

Back to the TMNT Party! I'm sorry I was absent all of last week, for those who follow me on FB saw my husband planned a surprise trip to San Diego last week. I got home Thursday and I'm still playing catch up .. lol.

This was a quick an easy themed food item I had for the party! This was one that was so simple I had a helper put them together at the party.

What you need
Swiss Rolls
Black Licorice

NOW it was very hot so some of the chocolate of our swiss rolls came off, next time I may pop them in the freezer to firm them up. Unwrap your swiss rolls (2 per pack), connect the 2 rolls with a piece of licorice. Bam your done! Place on a platter like nunchucks!

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!