Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fly away on a Work Trip

You may have noticed I was absent last week. Well I took a little trip now it wasn't all business a little pleasure was there also! I work in Boston so I travel there every 3mo or so to have some face time. Being virtual is amazing for my home life etc, but you miss some of the face to face that helps make you real ... lol. I was so happy when my bosses said I could come out ever few months to work in office.

I flew out Saturday night for a 6 hour flight and arrive bright and early Sunday. I of course flew in when the hotel had a wedding and all rooms were booked. I love the Hyatt they are usually very helpful and get me right in. The lady that spoke to me sadly did not carry that high regard for the company I'm use to. Instead of saying let me take your name and number and if we have a room open early we'll let you know. NOPE she was almost down right nasty. NOW I know I flew in early and before the check in time, but as we all know they have rooms that haven't been sold and are just sitting there. Usually they are so nice, these lady not so much. Got nasty tell me its Sunday do I think ppl would check out early. WELL missy I watched as ppl checked out early and went and talked to the nice girl I usually deal with very nicely took my name and number and called me when a room was cleaned.

Packed and ready to go!
Rick had to work so I took a towncar to the airport!
Sat next to older couple who had to pee like every 30min, so much for the good isle seat!

Thankfully a Starbucks is right next the hotel.
So I could wait there until room ready. 

I had a great week! I had to dress up every day which is so far from my PJ look I usually wear every day for work. We had a huge event that was so fun and I got to meet a lady I've talked to but hadn't meet in person.

I was on a mission and got up EVERY morning I was there before work and hit the gym! I did bring protein bars and shakes with me to help with my diet, but I knew with no grocery store by me I was going to have some not the best meals. I was pretty proud of myself getting up at what would be 3:30am my time (6:30am their time) and even taking the stairs up and down to the gym! I'm happy to say I've been home a week and down 2lbs from when I left so all is good!

The office celebrated my belated bday since I wasn't in the office for my bday. I was so touched, and ate cake which was so bad! The office took me to dinner at Legal Seafood the night before I left. I laughed so hard and enjoyed the great time with my co-workers.

I had a bumpy flight home, but didn't have to share my row with anyone! I love JetBlue they have WIFI and TV! Flew in late Friday night, and back to work Saturday AM I went. 

I love my job and being able to work from home and a 3 hour time difference makes my life so much easier! I can't wait to go back again, it's fun playing dress up and working with great people. 
Have a GREAT weekend!!


  1. What do you do for a living? What a cool job to have...
    BOO for rude people. I'd complain about that - that's so not helpful for business.
    That cake... YUM!!!! Its full of calories, but how do you not celebrate when others want to celebrate you :) Totally worth eating with all the gym work you got in! That's fantastic!

  2. Glad the trip went well, even with the couple minor difficulties.
    That was nice of them to celebrate your birthday with you.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!