Sunday, November 15, 2015

Homeless Awareness Month .. Homeless Care Packages

This month is Homeless Awareness Month, as many of you know I make cakes for a charity that bring birthday's to homeless kids. I love the smiles I can bring to their days and it got me thinking about other homeless people. I posted on Friday about wanting to start doing this and I'm so happy to say it turned out great. We had 5 adults and many kids show up and pack up bags for the homeless. It was so gratifying to see how many lives we could touch.

My friend sent me a message after they left. They were on their way home when they drove by a restaurant that was closed and two homeless people where living under the awning. Her oldest daughter got out and handed the two care packages to them. With tears in their eyes they thanked her, my friends daughter got back in the car tears streaming also. She was so touched by this project we did. It brought me to tears that I had this whisper that could lead to helping others.

What you Need:
Large Zip-lock
Small Zip-lock (for soaps etc)
Fruit Snacks
Tooth Brush
Tooth Paste
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Soap
Wet Wipes
Tuna Salad
Granola Bar
Warm Winter Socks
Warm Hat

You can change it up and add different things if you would like. I hit up Dollar Tree and made up 40 of these for less than $40. I read online that you should put soaps in a small zip-lock so they don't taint the food items. I also read no mouth wash since it has alcohol in it. Also famine products are good to add, this time I didn't but next time I will. Some sites said don't put shampoo because they can find that at shelters, but my thought was if they cleaned up in a bathroom they would have it. 

I put the soaps in the small zip-lock and then put all the rest of the items in the big zip-lock. I found a 6 pack of winter socks at Ross for $5.99 and added those to each bag. Each pack cost around $10.00. My plan is to do a outreach get together each month. Next month I want to make up some PB&J Sandwiches and pass those out with the care packages. 

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. What a good thing to do with kids for Christmas!!!

  2. Awesome! This would be a great project for my church's youth group!

  3. Your such a generous person. How nice to put those packs together. I know they will be appreciated.

  4. I think that is absolutely amazing and selfless. God bless you and your family for doing it.

  5. Great project to do with the whole family. Thanks for sharing on the Tasty Tuesdays Linky Party. I hope you will join us again next week.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!