Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Basketball Modeling Chocolate Cupcake Toppers

Cole had his last basketball at the YMCA and I wanted to bring a little something for the kids. I had some orange modeling chocolate from a previous cupcake and thought I bet I could make some toppers for a cupcake. If you haven't made modeling chocolate at the bottom of post you'll find the recipe.

What You Need:
Orange Modeling Chocolate
Black Edible Food Writer
Circle cutter (small or large depending on how large you want your ball)
Frosted Cupcakes
I took the orange modeling chocolate rolled out and cut out 24 circles. I took a black edible food writer and drew lines to match a basketball. I made cupcakes and frosted them and added the basketball modeling chocolate on top. It was a simple idea that came out very cool.
Modeling Clay
12oz Candy Melts (Orange)
1/4 Cup light corn Syrup

Melt your Candy Melts in microwave (mine takes about 2 minutes). Stir them to become smooth and add the corn syrup.  It will become thick and form a ball.  Wrap in plastic wrap and let it sit out and dry.  Takes a few hours or over night is best. (Alexis note: I found to roll this out use a little powder sugar (like you would do with flour), also you have to kneed it a little like you would dough to make it easy to roll out).
Thanks for Stopping by!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. So cute! Whoever invented markers to use - they need a pat on the back!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!