Monday, November 10, 2008

One down and now another to go ...

As soon as it turned 8am I was on the phones, first call was to the imaging place to see if the results were in. Yes they are in and your doctor will have to tell you what the results are, gotcha ya. Call #2 to the doctors office where I got a very nice receptionist who informed yes I see they are in and I'll let the doctor know they are in the system and she'll call you back. Do you know when that will be I'm a nervous wreck? She was very sweet told me if it's bad news I'll hear from her quickly if not it will be with in the next 24 hours! Yup that makes me feel oh so much better.

Today is my airport run to pick the guy from work up so I head up there, guess I should have had something to eat since I started to feel very light headed. I hit a drive thru which I usually avoid to just get something in me. While taking eating and letting my mind wander my phone rings, I look down it's the doctors office. I actually debate in my mind not to answer it, it's only been 1 hour and she's calling me that has to be bad news. After debating in my head I just bite it and pick up the phone (thankfully she didn't go to VM). She is so sweet and knew I was tearing myself up and talked very calmly to me. Why is it I always get ok let me give you some good news and bad news? Do they always have to go hand and hand? So good news is the spot on the chest x-ray was just a shadow and nothing. Ok here's part II of the news (not bad as of yet I guess) they see only part of my abdomen since it was only for my chest. Right above my kidney they see a little something. My doctor believes it is adrenal adenoma. An adrenal gland are above you kidney's in short they are benign tumors. If they are functioning meaning producing hormones you need to get it taken care of it they are non-functioning then no worries. Yup no worries just a little something extra in there for you.

One good thing about scans you can get in pretty quick for them, I can't wait to see the bill for these. So I went and picked up these lovely drinks, one I drink 3 hours before and one I drink 1 hour before with no eating 3 hours before. Glad I picked that sandwich up and ate that quickly. So this lovely drink will "coat" my organs, doesn't that sound lovely? I'll let you know how it goes, I'm down one lovely orange (kind of link Tang with a coating feeling for you mouth) drink and one more to go.

Ok I chocked them both down and now I'm off to get yet another CT scan. Your prayers worked last time, please keep them coming. I can use all the positive thoughts I can get right now. Thank you again, bless you all!

First one going down:

Ok one down, now to wait a few hours and #2 will be done also.

At last I finished both of them.
Now to go get the test done. Ugh!


  1. Geeze lady, the punches just keep coming don't they? Please keep us posted on the results. We are worried about you Hon. Try not to stress out too much ok? (yeah, right).

  2. Stress never ... LOL! Now it's yet another waiting game, hopefully I'll hear something hear soon. But now I have really cool bruises to show for the war :). Thanks!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!