Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Super GREAT Surprise

Tuesday at work I got MAIL (LOL did that silly computer voice come into your head?). I was super excited, I have all my stuff sent there since things don't always make it to me at home! Any Whoo I while back I posted about box tops that I'm collecting for Cole's School. My new friend Debra @ Well Behaved Women Never Make History (who is amazing check out her blog) sent me a little care package. She is the MOST generous person I've come along in a long time! Not only did she send me a bag full of stamps, but some surprises! Sorry Debra I already had blogs scheduled for Wednesday so this is why this is coming up today!

So I open my package to find some amazing items and a (get this, hold on to your hat) handwritten note. I know I don't think I've seen one of those in years ... LOL. The card was super cute and even had a matching envelope, I know what a concept stationary! Oh hush, I haven't actually wrote a personal note in years. Tells you how much I really on the Internet!

Check out the amazing goods (plus Debra be on the look out for a little something from me). Now wouldn't that be an amazing series of blogs each person gets something and then sends something to that person and they pick another person. Hmmm Chef E what do you think? Maybe I can send something to you and then you to Mistress and then so on? Ok I must stop and get back to work, but check out my SUPER cool loot! Muah Debra!

Check me out with my goodies!
And check out the necklace actually matched my outfit that day (I even forgot to put one on that morning)!
Isn't this the Cutest little purse for coins, love she said Ipod like this mom gets any technology items. Now the boys is another story.
Sorry a little blurry (A BUNCH of Box Tops)
And check out this Gorgeous necklace!
Did I mention she made it!!! Yup she rocks!


  1. I have an award for you! :) Come on by and pick it up!!

  2. Well were is mine? Just kidding...that is a good color on you! Is my sister bothering you?

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful day!! That necklace rocks!!

  4. I am so glad you liked your package! That is amazing that you just happened to have the perfect outfit to match it. Now that is fate!I have a good start on the next stash of box tops. I think I have 6 or 7 more already!You do not have to send me anything back. I enjoyed surprising you and you are such a joy to have a blogger buddy.


  5. How neat is that. It's always fun to get a little package of goodies!

  6. That is too sweet...and that is why we all love Debra!

  7. I was just looking for a new BFF, "Oh Debra dear..."


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!