Saturday, March 14, 2009

Palmolive Pure + Clear Giveaway!

It's time for another amazing giveaway! I was very lucky a while back I saw a post about being and agent for BzzAgent! I thought what the heck, so I hoped on and signed up (let me know if you want to be one too, I get points for friends). Now it took a while to get my first product to try but well worth the wait!

I'll admit I'm a thrift shopper and usually buy whatever brand of dish soap is on sale at the time. So I thought I'm up for the challenge to try a new soap thinking what they're all the same. I am here to eat my words (and if you know me that was hard for me to type). Now with the cheap soap I end up squirting 3 to 4 times to finish 1 sink of dishes. Now when I squirted a little on my sponge I thought ok I wonder how many squirt this will take. I was surprised to find 1 1/2 half times did the job. Now if I was like my mom I would have put one squirt and filled up the sink with water, but not my style. Now I went to the store to price out Palmolive vs the cheap one I usually buy. It was about in the middle of the price range, but when I sat down and figured out how many squirts I use of the cheap version vs what I did for the Palmolive it was actually cheaper. Yes I actually sat down and did the math, hello I'm OCD you haven't figured that out until now?? Plus I'm so excited about the smell I'm like that silly commercial smelling things, except I was smelling my hands and the clean dishes ... LOL. I always thought it was a joke that it kept your hands smooth, but take it from this girl with the worst skin (thank you grandma for passing down that gem) it really was silky smooth and my hands we're very soft! You want you can come over and smell ... Ha-Ha.

Now for the fun part what you get to win! I actually have a few prizes to share, I'm really excited to share with you!

1st winner ~ Gets 3 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 2 coupons for $1 off
2nd winner ~ Gets 3 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 1 coupon for $1 off
3rd winner ~ Gets 2 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 1 coupon for $1 off
4th winner ~ 2 Palmolive coupons for $1 off
5th winner ~ 2 Palmolive coupons for $1 off

Not bad huh! Hey any way I can save money I'm in it!

So what you need to do! I know rules we all hate rules but this time I'm making it very simple!

1st Comment (MUST be done first to get any extra entries)
Tell me a funny store about doing dishes or what is your favorite brand of dish soap.
Make sure you either have a visible email address on blogger or leave me one. If you don't want to leave one in a comment email me @

Bonus Entries (Make sure to do the above for extras to count)

1 Extra entry for being a follower! (new or old you all count, because I love you guys)
1 Extra entry for going over to Palmolive and tell me another product you'd like to try.
2 Extra entries if you have or put up my button! (Make sure to leave 2 separate comments)
3 Extra entries if you blog about the giveaway (Make sure to leave 3 separate comments)

A total of 8 entries not bad huh and pretty painless! So put a little thought into your first answer who knows I may even send out a little something special for the funniest comment.
Giveaway Ends Sunday March 22nd @ 11:59pm PST
Check out my bottle I got to try!
I'm in love, move over Rick you've been replaced! =D
This is what you get !
Well I broke it up so more winners!
I know I rock!
Plus the coupons!
See one squirt!!
You know it I showed you my dishes!!!
And look all clean! And smelling pretty!


  1. Thanks for the comment and visiting my blog!!

    I'll never forget the time my mom went to do the dishes, turned the water on and the little sprayer came on, too! My brother had gone the night before and put a rubber band on the sprayer so that the button was depressed when she turned the water on. LOL. Needless to say, he ended up with dish duty that day.

  2. First off, there is not a DARN thing funny about washing dishes, I hate it. HA!

    Anyway, I have, on several occasions, put my water running to fill the sink up to wash dishes, forgotten about it, walked out of the room, only to come back and find the water overflowing to the back of the sink and over onto the floor beside the cabinets. Grrr!

  3. I am a follower......I want to win!

  4. The Dry Skin with Aloe 'flavor' looks like one for me. I want to win!

  5. I have your button! And I love it. I want to win!

  6. I took your button days ago, did I mention I want to WIN??!!

    have a great Saturday, I'll leave you alone now :)

  7. Looks like it is Amy day on your blog.

    I am a follower.

  8. I also blogged about this on my site. Plus I left you something nice to show my Love.

  9. Dishes story:

    When I was young my brother and I had to take turns washing the dishes. Every other day kind of thing. Well I would always wish my brother would get stuck doing the dishes on the holidays. That was the worse day you were stuck in there cleaning away while everyone was out have fun with everyone else. My brother got is a few times and I was happy those times. Mean I know.

  10. Have a happy day now that the Amy's were here.

  11. Don't you just love Bzz Agent! I got 3 new campaigns from them within the last two weeks so I'll have lots to talk about shortly and hopefully a few great giveaways too!

  12. I'm like you - I'll use whatever is on sale or whatever I can find... I have seen new bottles in the store... interested in trying this now!

  13. I hate the fact that you wash them before they go into the its like WT...I am already labeled 'Ultra' so they stole my campaign...kidding

    You are so brave posting your dishes in the sink...or was it more like what was in my sink yesterday, lol

  14. ME! I want to win!

    Okay...a funny story about dishes???

    When I was a newly married (teenager) and just learning how to do the housewife stuff, we lived in a place with no A/C. That summer I was pregnant and VERY hot. My mom asked how I was holding up, and I said "fine...I just go do the dishes to cool off". My mom was like WWWHHaattt? She said " can't wash dishes in COLD water. You have to use HOT water to get them clean!" Who knew????

  15. I am actually out of soap and down to rinsing the bottle and to lazy to go to the store...and you know I will have dirty dishes by the end of the night...

  16. Girl, don't make me lick the dishes clean, LOL

  17. Ok, you have to tell me about the Bzz Agent stuff. Sounds like fun.

    I don't have a funny washing dishes in the sink story, but I do have a funny dishwasher story.

    When I was about 15, my mom and I lived in this condo that had the worst dishwasher. The wheels on the bottom rack were bent so everytime you pulled it out, it would come all the way out, and then it wouldn't go back in. So this one day, I'm loading the dishes and the rack goes flying as I pull it out. I was so angry I said "G-d damn this dishwasher!!", and I kid you not, 5 minutes later it started leaking rusty water all over the floor. We of course got a new dishwasher which was cool, but my mom told me not to "G-d damn" any more of her appliances, and I don't think I've used that phrase since.

  18. Let's see a funny dishwashing story.. so its technically not about me but about my uncle... while he was living in North Dakota he went over to this lady's house for dinner. He told me the food looked iffy so he didn't really eat a whole lot. ( the house was way scummy) Anyway after they were done and chit chatting after dinner, she had the dog lick the dishes clean and then put them back into the cabinet!!!

  19. I would love to try the Pamolive with Aloe. I have such sensitive skin from working with all the Costco chemicals that I break out every time I do dishes.

  20. I have a funny dishwasher story also. My husband decided to run the dishwasher for me one night and instead of using the dishwasher detergent he used normal dish soap. We were upstairs and our dog kept running up and looking at us and then running back downstairs. After the third time I decided to see what was wrong with her since she never does that. I followed her downstairs and saw that the enitre kitchen floor was covered in bubbles!

  21. I am a follower and I would like to hear more about BzzAgent.

  22. And I have your cute button on my blog!

  23. Ohhh snaap!
    I did that too Melissa! NOW I don't feel so bad...Except,I used Tide in the dishwasher and HOLY COW! I had suds rolling out of the dishwasher!lol My daughter was like "Whe'heee mom!! Bubbles"!!
    Here's one that I bet alot of Moms identify with...I done when my kids tryed to pull it on me,I was already on top of the game.
    Once I got so tired of having to do the dishes,I INTENTIALLY left them in the drainer dirty,so I would get put off of kitchen duty.Instead,I got in twice as much grounded and STILL had to do the dishes every night.
    My daughter thought she would pull that same move,and it didn't work with me either.LOL
    Ok--I'm officially getting my name in the hat.I tell everyone the exact same thing about Palmolive..I've used it for years...the same goes with Tide,you seem to use ALOT more of the el-cheap-o stuff.
    Ummmm...the button?? Gotta go find that and then check back to see what else I need to do to get my name in the hat. ;-}
    This is fun!!

  24. Am I stuttering,or just repeating myself...?LOL

  25. Oh,I almost forgot...I think another Palmolive product I wouldn't mind trying is the Palmolive Crisp Cucumber Melon...I bet that one smells good! I'd prolly wanna eat the dishes while washing them w/ that smell! HA Yummm!

  26. I recently received a box of GreenWorks items to review, honestly, I gave them to the cleaning lady that comes once a month and asked her to tell me what she thinks of them.

  27. Hmmmm Dishwasher story??? Dish washing? The only thing I can think of is my dh washes the dishes and leaves them in the sink w/o rinsing them....I come along say wth? he wanders away and forgets what he is doing. I 'd like to complain but he is washing the dishes right?

    Sad dish washer story-we remodeled our downstairs bathroom and as soon as we got it down the dishwasher started over flowing w/o our knowledge!! after a week or so we kept seeing 'pee' on the floor....and yelled at kids but no one fessed was the dishwasher leaking THROUGH THE NEW DRYWALL CEILING AND DOWN THE WALLS omg what a mess

  28. Hmmmm Dishwasher story??? Dish washing? The only thing I can think of is my dh washes the dishes and leaves them in the sink w/o rinsing them....I come along say wth? he wanders away and forgets what he is doing. I 'd like to complain but he is washing the dishes right?

    Sad dish washer story-we remodeled our downstairs bathroom and as soon as we got it down the dishwasher started over flowing w/o our knowledge!! after a week or so we kept seeing 'pee' on the floor....and yelled at kids but no one fessed was the dishwasher leaking THROUGH THE NEW DRYWALL CEILING AND DOWN THE WALLS omg what a mess

  29. I like the pure and clean line they look great!!!

  30. Alas, I have no funny stories about washing dishes........well, none I can think of now.....but, I will say that I'd love to try something that helps keep the skin smooth.
    I too am cursed with dry skin.......and let me tell you, I'm so glad to be long done with washing bottles!!! They really did my hands in........
    Anyway, count me in.....

  31. Hmmm..that scrub buster stuff looks interesting.......
    And hey yeah, tell me about that BzzAgent....sounds interesting!

  32. I'm here.... as DIRECTED! Great Bzz Campaign!!! I missed it by not checking my Email!! I've got a few going right now (see my post wednesday for details).

    My funny dish story... I'll have to link this back to my Da he'll LOVE me going public with this one!!! My chore growing up was dishes, feeding the animals, keeping my room clean, dusting, sorting laundry.. oh wait I said "chore" huh? Nope it was my stinking little brothers who had "chore" I had "chores". So every night after dinner I KNEW it was time to get BACK to work. I'd make a trip to the ladies room before starting the soapy sudsy fun.. stay as long as I could.. maybe mom would forget that the dishes needed to be done. I did this so much that my father felt the routine fitting of a title all it's own.. DISH-a-reah!! He LOVES telling my kids this one.. nice Pop nice!

  33. I don't really have any funny stories but I have someone devised a chart so one of my kids washes the dishes every night! Does being clever like that count?

  34. WHEW... under the wire... thanks for teh reminder of being a follower!!!

  35. I cant think of anything funny! BUT I usually use palmolive or dawn! I have both under my sink right now.

    Thanks for the chance! :)

  36. I don't think this maybe funny to some but when I was about 14, I used to wash dishes for my step-mummy. lol I went to wash a glass and when I poked my hand inside the glass it broke. I was so happy I didn't cut my hand off. lol


  37. Following :)


    Got a contest or two on my site! :) (Skin Md)

  38. My choice is Palmolive® Lavender and Ylang Ylang. Thanks.


  39. I had to post the cute lil' monkey on my blog. (ABC listed) Thanks.


  40. no. 2 I had to post the cute lil' monkey on my blog. (ABC listed) Thanks.


  41. Great story for you! My sister was catering my mom's company Christmas party and needed some extra help. Of course I went to help and so did my sweet husband, John. Well John was in charge of dishes while my sister cooked and I served the dinner. When I went into the kitchen I noticed that it was REALLY clean! John had cleaned everything so far and had already started a load of dishes. I was 7 months pregnant and was so excited to sit for about 10 minutes while they ate. All of a sudden I look across the room and I see bubbles EVERYWHERE! My sister, John and I all grab bowls and we are trying to keep the bubbles off the floor. It turns out that sweet John couldn't find dishwasher soap, so he used regular dish soap. I had seen this happen in the movies, but I didn't know that this could really happen. I'm telling you bubble were all over the floor. Just writing this is bringing it all back and I'm laughing so hard(tears and all)!

  42. I would like to try the cucumber melon palmolive soap

  43. Here's a link to my post about your contest

  44. My funny story is about fighting to do the dishes! When my boys were small my husband and I used to play fight about doing the dishes--"No I'll do the dishes" because the other one would have to watch the kids. We were reminded of this while watching our 3 year old granddaughter this weekend when we both said "I'll do the dishes". We love our kids and our granddaughter but sometimes you just need a break!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  45. I visited the website and I would like to try the Palmolive Dry Skin with Aloe for those in the family with sensitive skin.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  46. I usually buy whatever is on sale and what I have a coupon for - right now I have Dawn

  47. I would like to try the lavender splash dishwasher detergent

  48. we were for a long time die hard dawn users and then I heard my mother had changed big shock for me but after a while I decided to try the product she changed to I loved it to and it was a bit cheaper. Guess what one it was yep you are right Palmolive

    love it

  49. would like to try the palmolive oxy clean

  50. button on my blog

  51. 2 button on my blog

  52. I love Palmolive Dish Soap, rarely buy anything else, I have a few things that I just won't cut corners on and Palmolive is one of them(Heinz ketchup, Hunts Tomato Sauce are a couple of others). I have even been known when I am out of bubble bath to have taken a bubble bath in Palmolive, Heck Madge soaked her hands in the stuff for years made them feel younger, I am waiting for the palmolive magic to happen.
    Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.

  53. One time I was doing the dishes and my husband decided to put a rubber band around the spray nozzle, and when I turned on the faucet I got water all over me. I told him to do the dishes then!!!!

  54. I had a pot on the stove that was dirty. It had caked on mac-n-cheese so I put soap and water in it to soak. Well hubby saw the pot and the mac and cheese and thought I just made it runny so he put it in a bowl and started eating it. He nearly gagged when I told him about it. Now he asks about everypan ont he stove, lol.

  55. I would love to try their eco + lemon splash dishwasher detergent. It looks wonderful!

  56. I asked my husband to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then turn off the lights in the kitchen before going to bed. I got up in the middle of the night I was thirsty! I sled into home base when I cam into the kitchen the floor was wet and had bubbles everywhere. my husband came running in and started laughing and I asked hime what did you put in the diahwasher he said hand soap !! UGH!!!

  57. You came by my page and said to leave 2 more comments. Here is one.

  58. Funny hmm not so much, it's my thinking well imagining time LOL I usually use Palmolive I love ti :)

  59. Palmolive Eco Dishwasher Detergent Lemon Splash would love to try it ;)

  60. Have your button on

  61. Have your button on

    too so on both my sites :)

  62. I posted on my blog :)

  63. I don't have a favorite dish soap. I admit that I flit from this to that to the other. =:o

  64. I'm a brand new follower. :)

  65. I'd love to check out the apple citrus splash dishwasher detergent. Yes indeedy. :)

  66. My story would be that when I was little I thought I was allergic to Dawn dishwashing soap. The funny part was that my sister's name is Dawn and I would say that I was allergic to her too. :) I think it was just a clever way to get out of washing dishes :)

  67. I would like to try Scrub Buster :)

  68. I didn't know you were a fellow Bzz Agent! I missed the palmolive one. But I got in on the Afrin one. Up yours! Your nose that is...with Afrin nasal spray :)

    Oh and I hate doing dishes. I just throw them away. I wish!

  69. I am so a stalker! I mean follower.

  70. Ok, first things first, I love your blog, the frogs, monkeys, and adorable boys.. So cute.
    Bzzz Agent, I just became an Agent my first campaign is on the way and I am excited to get going.
    My funniest dish washing story happened to a coworker. I was the manager at work waiting for a employee to arrive so I could Go HOME!!
    The phone rings, late employee, Why will you be late I inquire...Ummmm well I was getting ready to do my dishes about an hour or so ago, and started the water running and um this girl called that I have been wanting to take on a date, Um I took the phone out on the porch to talk to her, we talked for an hour... and Ummm my house, well my kitchen, living room, they are like Ummm flooded...
    Goodness, thankfully the phone conversation must of worked because they have now been married for 6 years and have 2 little boys. Wonder if he does the dishes.
    Also I love Palmolive, have not used the pure and clean yet, my new favorite is the Oxy... it works great.

  71. I am following you, Are you following me??? If so please bring a map. I tend to get lost.

  72. Hi, popping over from SITS!

    Believe it or not, I have a dishwasher but I do handwash my good knives, big pots and most plastics, so I still seem to ALWAYS have a sink full of dishes MUCH worse than your's!!

    That first story by Amy actually happened to me too, but it wasn't dish washing related, it was at work! I went by the coffee machine to rinse out a cup and when I turned on the water I got sprayed. Now get this, of course I turned the water right off, but not realizing it was coming from the sprayer that someone had wrapped with a rubber band, I DID IT AGAIN!! Yep, turned that water right back on AGAIN and sprayed myself AGAIN!!! I don't think the prank was intended for me, and I admit, I got a laugh out of it once I realized what it was.

    My mom was always a believer of Palmolive. I usually use Dawn, and did not even realize that Palmolive had a new line! I hope I win because I'd love to try it.


  73. thanks for the giveaway!

    i would actually LOVE to be a bzzagent, if you would like to give me details! :)

    my favorite brand of dish soap is already palmolive, but i'm most likely to get whatever is on sale for the best price at CVS...


  74. Over from SITS... and I wILL be back. YOur blog is funny and interesting. I'm going to check out the bzzing thing you talked about in the beginning.

    Also, my kids are old enough to help with dishes so I really need to win the samples for their sake :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  75. Stopping by from SITS and I love your blog.

    I don't have a funny story about washing dishes, but I do have one about the dishwasher. I'd had left a pan soaking in the sink overnight and of course I had soap in it. Then being in a hurry the next morning I quickly poured out the water not even thinking about the soap that I'd put in there the night before. I put it in the dishwasher and started it up then left the room. A little while later my puppy comes into the office with white bubbles all over her face. She was running around like a nut. I followed her concerned that she'd somehow gotten into something only to get to the kitchen and see all the bubbles coming out the side of the dishwasher. Now that I think back on it, it is actually funny, but at the time I was just very angry at myself.

  76. I have this compulsive disorder where I usually (meaning when I'm not sick) I do my dishes as I'm cooking and don't leave them in the sink! And I use whatever is cheapest at Wally World

  77. I'm a follower and stopping by from SITS.

    I just became a BZZagent and I'm excited about trying out new products. I joined too late for this one. Would love to give it a try.

  78. I love your blog!!! so very cute!
    I've visited before, but was too shy to say hello! I hope you got my email, (I never know if it works ok) let me know if you didn't!

  79. I'm not blonde! I forgot my story, good thing I'm also a follower, so I will just leave it with this post...
    My most memorable dishwashing experiences...watching the pistons basketball games from the reflection in the microwave while I washed dishes. My father would watch the games doing his book-keeping bookwork at the kitchen table. I on the other hand had to do the dishes..every night. So for me, I would sneek a peak at the game behind me. I use the cheap stuff right now, not proud, but trying to cut corners...but now I may have to take your "report" into consideration. thanks again,

  80. I went to the palmolive site, I'd love to try the lavender dishwasher detergent! I love lavender, and maybe if it works better than my "cheap stuff"..we'll see!

  81. hehehe...I took your button as cute!

  82. When I was young my mom always got mad because when I did the dishes I usually broke one of them.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  83. I follow.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  84. I would like to try new Palmolive eco-plus.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
