Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(Semi)Wordless Wednesday ... Under the bed

So last week I showed you what the peanut boys did to my brand new jar of peanut butter. Today I show you what I found under there bed. Well Cole actually got his butt under there because he thought his mothers head might just explode. And if he knew who Linda Blair is yup he would have been looking for the split pea soup! So with out further ado and more words ...

Yes that is my hair spray, Lysol, glitter hairspray (Halloween), small bottle of hair spray, oranges and what is the other thing?
Yup crusted orange peels and oh yeah a chocolate wrapper!
Yup that other item was Peanut Butter seal!


  1. At least there were no matches with all those aerosol cans-LOL!

  2. Maybe he's going to be like MacGyver (how do you spell it) where he can invent something out of random things....

  3. You got off easy..there was nothing living under there. wait till they get older!!!

  4. I think he must be practicing to be a drag queen (the orange was to stuff his shirt).

    Check his feet, I bet he is wearing 4 inch stilettos.

    ps tell him peanut butter makes lousy hair gel.

  5. Last time I made my girls clean under their beds I threw away 3 garbage bags full of junk and there's probably at least that much as we!

  6. That was funny.... Scary Pyrobut funny! Boys Rock!

  7. Oh my! Funny but ew at the same time. LOL

  8. Your boys crack me up. Can you e-mail me on how you put your awards into a slide show? I would like to do that.

  9. Your boys are like my 9 year old daughter. Seriously. I told you on your peanut post that I found peanut butter in her closet right? Oh boy was I mad about that. But not as mad as when she stole my breakfast from beside the couch and ate it.

  10. Just wait until you look under there after they become teenagers...

  11. I am afraid, very afraid to look under my daughters bed. I don't even enter their room without cringing. IT's that bad.

  12. LOL! I'm sorry but that post totally cracked me up!

  13. haha! too funny! but your a brave soul for even lookin' under there... our cat tends to take EVERYTHING under the bed... i don't even have the guts to look!

  14. Well, at least they didn't pull any dead bodies out from under there. Why do boys hide everything under the bed. My son hides it between the wall and the bed so I usually just pull the bed away from the wall. I just always hope not to see any rodents. I always tell him his room and only his room probably has mice and snakes hiding in it. That doesn't even scare him. BOYS!!!!!

  15. Well at least there were no matches under there as boys love flames and being pyro's!

  16. Interesting collection!!! LOL
    Stopping by from Annonymom!

  17. Oh my...I have to say that I did not deal with this sister was like that...maybe this is a cry for 'mom needs to pay us a little more attention' as in Mom Police Room Check...

  18. I decided that I should look under Ella's bed. I found 6 - yes 6 binky's!!!

  19. LOL that's all I'll say ;)

  20. Again-HA!!! I have a 16yo boy wait till yours are that old. Plates and glasses baby!

  21. I have not set foot in my son's room for months. On purpose. Ignorance is bliss....I just don't want to know. ha,ha

  22. Aaah, the life of a Mommy...never a dull moment.

  23. I don't even want to know what's under Catherine's bed! I love the glitter hairspray...from Halloween! lol!

  24. Oh my gosh! I know someone who would have similar items under the bed!

    I'm glad to know there are others. Why is it so comforting to know you aren't the only one?

    Dropping by from SITS to say hello.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!