Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Surprise in the Mail ...

So this week I've been sick and just not feeling up to par. So I must apologize for the lack of funny post. Believe me I have a few to share but I just can't focus enough to sit and write it up. I did want to share a beautiful package I got this week for my friend Chef E @ The Behind the Wheel Chef she is on amazing person and a personal chef on top of it! I've been blessed to find great people here that come and read my craziness and actually take the time to comment. I totally appreciate you all and I promise by next week we'll be back to our regular program :).

Back to where I started yup I'm a mess! Chef E sent me this amazing package, it brought a smile to my face! I just had to share! Thank you again E, Love ya! And thank you so much to all my other wonderful friends here that give me support and lot's of great comments that make me giggle! Muah and Hugs to you all!

A sweet note with instructions.
Yup I'm a dork and hey she's a professional chef!
Because she knows how crazy my life is and how much I LOVE my crockpot! Especially since I found crockpot liner. Hello can you say easy clean up!
My mom does this and I just LOVE it.
She always writes notes in books she gives me.
I love to go back years later and read her notes!
Sorry you get a pick of the candy already open.
I couldn't wait ... LOL
And some yummy Sambar Masala (Indian Spice)
See why the instructions ... LOL


  1. Looks like a great gift!
    I Love cook books!

  2. That is awesome... that had to pick you up & make you feel better! :-)

  3. How incredibly sweet of E!

    Isn't it just amazing the people you meet doing this...I mean I have met so many of the nicest people I know through blogging!

    Hugs and I hope you feel 100% soon!

  4. Awesome gift, Love cook books have way too many LOL

    Hope you feel better soon :)

  5. Hey my poser friend. I love what you got and the pictures are the best.

  6. Isn't E precious? Just like you and Allie! You don't have to be funny all the time. We love YOU! So you write whatever and we will be racing to read it!



  7. Awwwweee, you eat all the candy, you do not have to share with the boys, lol, and I find cookbooks that people have written in and love reading that stuff!

    Glad you are feeling better!!!

    I feel guilty though I did not post about my 'prize' I won yet...

  8. What a sweet gift! My mom also writes in all the books she gives me, too. What's funny is they are always cookbooks! (She knows I love cookbooks!) :-)

    I'm anxious to see what you make from your new cookbook-I really do love crock-pot recipes and I could use some more of them! :-)

  9. That is a great idea...and figure out how to combine a dash of Indian spice into the might get an A+ from the teacher :)

    I think I sent Debra candy too?


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!