Friday, May 8, 2009

Frecklebox Personalized Children's Books Review

For those who know me know I'm the hugest book worm. I love being able to go into a new world and just forget about my crazy world. I remember being a very young age when my parents went thru a divorce and I let my world go with books.

Books are a way to loose yourself and let the imagination go. I was so excited to find Frecklebox and their amazing Personalized Children’s Books. Now I grew up with Nancy Drew nothing this amazing. Now don't get me wrong my dad did the best as a single dad, but I never had anything as cool as a book with my name in it. Nothing makes a kid feel more special then seeing their name in a book.

Cole just started Pre-K this year and just learned how to write and pick out his name. You should have seen his face light up when he saw his name on the cover. Not only was it on the cover but it was in the store and hidden on pages. He was so excited to find his name each time. When dad came home had to show dad look my name is in this book!

Frecklebox not only sent the boys (yes both boys) got Personalized Children’s Books, but mom even got a little something special a Personalized Puzzle. Yes Cole took that over too but it was so sweet of them to think of mom!

You must check out Frecklebox not only do they have Personalized Children’s Books and Personalized Puzzles, they have personalized growth charts, personalized place mats and Personalized coloring books just to name a few. The price are very reasonably and a great quality that will last a lifetime. Check out Frecklebox and their amazing products or even check out their blog :).
Thank you Frecklebox for the amazing Personalized Children’s Books. I really love books and think that everyone needs to read more it opens up minds and keeps the mind going. Don't ever let your mind go. Come on and pick up something special for your kids or someone you know, everyone deserves to see their name in print!

Caden's Book, It's that soo cool?
I just love seeing Caden's name in print.
Caden showing me his new book.
Cole's new book
You even get to personalize the inside.
Cole showing off his book
Look Momma my name!!!
And here too!
Look Mom it's hidden here in the spots.
Look mom it's here too!And My Personalized Puzzle yes my name!!
Cole putting the puzzle together
Look mom I can do it all by myself
Look it's all done!


  1. Wow, so many to choose from and good prices too.

  2. what a wonderful idea! thnx for letting us know about this... my 4 yr old nieces bday is coming up... and i know she would adore thid idea... im so heading there right now!!

  3. I can remember personalized books when I was little & thinking they were the coolest!!!

  4. WOW that is so cool :) my daughter would love this! Awesome review and kiddos are so happy with their books :)

  5. Oh I remember those and how cool the kids thought they were! When our new niece is born I will have to order these for her and Brian!

  6. Very cool! I love personalized books! They're so..... well, personal!!

  7. It's great to see how much they love their books! I actually have a Frecklebox book coming for Blake-the Zoo one. By the looks of Caden and Cole, Blake is really going to love it! :-)

  8. With children with unique names, I have always loved this kind of stuff!

  9. That is so cool~ your boys are so adorab!le

  10. That is so wonderful. I need to do this for Alyce's 2nd Birthday. Thanks for the great find and playing along.

  11. Wow those look really cool, I'll have to stop on over. They'd make great gifts!

  12. Love the books. What a great birthday present. TFS

    Happy Mothers Day
