Monday, May 4, 2009

Make Something Monday ... French Toast .. Yummy

Make Something Monday

Last Monday I showed you a yummy white bread I made. So for the left over this past weekend I made some french toast for the boys. It of course was super yummy and how do I know this because I got a 1/4 a piece before I had to do the dishes and pick up the rest of the house. Yup it was super yummy ... LOL. So sit back and enjoy a piece of virtual French Toast, sorry no holding the butter or syrup here ;).

All the yummy stuff to start.
Yes you counted right 8 eggs
Add milk (no need to measure)
Add Nutmeg
Add Cinnamon & Sugar (yup it comes all ready mixed)
Add Vanilla
Nice think slices of bread
Helper dunking the bread in the egg mix
Put on the hot griddle
Here it is. Yes that is the kids plate ... LOL


  1. Oh goodness, that looks delish! I am going to be putting up a recipe some time this week!

  2. Everyone at my house loves French Toast but since I don't like it (even though yours looks so good) I never make it...I know how bad that sounds but I have egg issues...I'm weird like that!

  3. Oh yummy yummy that looks so good!

  4. Yummy looking french toast. To bad I already made the kids eggs and toast for breakfast. There is always tomorrow!

  5. French Toast is my absolute favorite food in the whole world! Yum!!

  6. yummy yummy i looove french toast and actually made some sat. morning!! and btw... i loooove your new look, so very cool and pretty!

  7. Now if you want to get serious about your french toast you use cream instead of milk, add some vanilla and let it soak comes out like hot bread pudding...mmmmmm...

  8. I love french toast. Thanks for sharing that great recipe.

  9. Would you belive I never thought about using the left over bread that I make for French Toast???? Don't I feel like a dumb @$$ now??????? This is why I keep coming back to you. Because you inspire me. I can almost taste that.

  10. Oh that looks delicious!!

    I want some French Toast now!!! You always inspire me with your cooking.

  11. That really looks yummy :) Now I want some!

  12. Yummy! That looks delicious and my mouth is watering because french toast is my fav!

  13. Yum! I'm making BLT's for dinner with strawberry and bananas:) I could take pictures though, lol

  14. Exercise is YOUR friend!!! Trying to come up with a challenge for all us girls trying to live healthier!

  15. There goes that kitchen assistant of yours again! He is so darn cute! Good I love french toast, but have not had it in forever...

  16. I am totally craving french toast now! lol! That looks delicious!

  17. me southern but I fry mine in shortening..about an inch of it too. But oh is it so good!

    I am going to have to try this healthier version!

  18. Yes, yummy yummy! French Toast is my fav breakfast food!

  19. I haven't had french toast in such a long time! I am going to have to make some this weekend. Yours looks SO GOOD!

  20. I am having a problem my Linked Within boxes at the end of my post have your posts in them. When I looked at the html for my button I noticed some info of yours was in there a way for you to fix...I would if I knew how.

  21. YUM! I want this.

    You know what I did for MSM? I made a shopping list! LOL!

  22. YUM! And check out your cute blog!!!! LOVE IT!!! Are you going to get a matching button?

  23. Looks good, I love to make french toasts using texas toast bread since it is real thick. Also like the Ikea plate the FT is on.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!