Thursday, May 28, 2009

True Learning Review

I've had the best time doing reviews and trying products but I really enjoy ones that help my kids. True Learning is one of those amazing places I came across that is amazing helping kids with Early Learning Curriculum. True Learning comes on a convenient CD-Rom that is easy to print from, this way you can print as little or as many worksheets as you would like. On this amazing little CD you will find over 3,000 different exercise for your child to do.

Cole just love them, I printed out a few different ones for him to try. Of course he loved the color ones (under Art), we also worked on Math which is perfect with him getting ready for kindergarten and he needs to work on writing his numbers. The True Thinking was one Cole told me he liked to do with his teacher at school. Figure out what is different, which one is longer, find the same shapes etc. Yes we even had to take our print out to share with the other kids at school. The preschool teachers were very impressed with detail and the encouragement it gives the child to do each worksheet.

If you have young children or know someone who does this CD is an amazing tool to help them with school. For $19.99 you can order the CD to get started or for $1.99 per month you can get an online subscription (easy online access to the entire library, no shipping and No long-term obligation... cancel at any time). Really for what your child would gain this is priceless but when you think about how much you spend on work books that have what 30 to 60 pages you pay$29.99 (well at least that was the price on the one I just looked at my mom bought for Cole). Just think if you have more then one kids buy the CD and you use them for each child.

Plus you know how I love companies that give back, True Learning has 25% of Profits Go to Educational and Charitable Efforts Committed to improving the lives of children through education, True Learning donates 25% of profits, after taxes, to educational and charitable efforts directed toward children.

Please take a moment to check out this amazing site, you won't be sorry. Cole loves this and anything that gets this boy to sit down is a miracle! Enjoy!

Visit their very own True-Town! Play games, download wallpaper and coloring pages, and get to know the True-Friends.

Here is a little more the True Learning had to say:

True Learning Modules
Each True Learning subject consists of 4 levels of advancement. Each level systematically builds upon the skills presented in the previous levels. The content is created to ensure success and mastery. Every concept is introduced in an intuitive manner, then reinforced and built upon in successive levels. Regardless of your child’s age and ability, True Learning will challenge and stimulate your child at each level.

How It Works
At the very heart of True Learning is our unwavering faith in the incredible abilities of young children. With your encouragement, your child will begin his or her educational experience with a confident and positive attitude. We are dedicated to providing the best tools for this incredible journey you are embarking on with your child.

15 Minutes A Day
15 minutes is the ideal learning span for a young child. True Learning is designed to captivate your child’s interest for 15 minutes-a-day of enriching mind and skill development.

True Moments
Time spent together. Sharing a laugh. Sharing a story. Sharing the learning. We call the 15 Minutes A Day spent together True Moments. Your child will value this precious daily routine. And your child will value the learning, because you are showing that you value the learning.


  1. As a homeschool mom I love this. I going to check them out.

    Got a little something for you over at my blog!

  2. I'm gonna tell my sister to come check out your blog! She's the one with the kid!

  3. Awesome review.I'll try it with my daughter :)

  4. You have been TAGGED by Psychic Mama!

    I was TAGGED by Confessions of a Moody Mommy, who was tagged by another blogger Mom’s Fortress of Solitude. And I'm so behind on this!! The more hurrieder I go, the behinder I get!

    Here are THE tag rules:

    * List Six Unimportant Things That Make You Happy.
    * Mention and link to the person who tagged you.
    * Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along, and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been tagged! Here's mine:

    Waking up at 5AM and hearing the birds' singing!

    Going to bed with clean body, clean hair, clean nightgown, and clean sheets!

    Eating Peanut Butter Captain Crunch whenever I want!

    Listening to Willie Nelson sing "Amazing Grace"!

    Shopping at Goodwill on 1/2-Price Day!

    Shopping at whenever I want, day or night!

    Here's the New Six:
    * The Mommy Files

    * Running Away? I’ll Help You Pack
    * Type-A Mom
    * Zoom About Ellen
    * Mighty Maggie
    * Daring Young Mom
    Have fun!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!