Thursday, July 2, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Bisquick Quiche (Well a little behind this week but still yummy)

Make Something Monday

Sorry my dears, this is a little behind this week, but I still wanted to post some recipes after the crazy week and 1/2 of giveaways/reviews. I'm back ladies and I promise no more week long giveaways they are soo much work :). I'm sticking to one or two a week.

I had some left over meat and quiches have been such a hit I thought I would try the bisquick version! It turned out very yummy and as you know it's super easy!! It offical I'm becoming Sandra Lee ... LOL

Add the Bisquick
Add the butter
Form it into the pie pan
Add the Taco Meat
Add the Onions
Add the Mozzerlla Cheese
Add the milk
Add Cayenne Pepper
Add Salt
Pour over meat
Put in oven
400 for 35 minutes
Ahhh ... Looks Yummy!
Add a little Salsa and it's all good.


  1. OK I'm off to eat BRB LOL looks so yummy and I'm soooo hungry :)

  2. My kids go ape for this when I make it (I think I may be making it again tonight)! Of course i just use the pie crust but glad you posted the original now I have a super yummy easy dinner for the kids!

  3. i think one or two giveaways per week will be great... i was kinda missing your recipes (b/c you always have good but easy ones)... and this recipe sounds very yummy!!

  4. Oh that looks yummy! Can't wait to try it. TFS

  5. yes ma'am that looks good too! Right on for the clean oven shot too. Happy 4th!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!