Friday, July 10, 2009

Round Robin ~ Magnet Birthday Invites & Jello Popsicles

Late but it's finally up! Sorry HUGE computer issues, looks like computer geek dad extraordinaire is going to have to wipe the system clean and start new :(. So I'm sorry my round robin is coming to you late today and probably a little short (on my lunch break).

So here it is today is the 10th and it's Caden's 2nd BIRTHDAY!!! For his party I'm doing a pirate theme BBQ. I found this tip a while back and just love it. For his invites I take a picture and in word (since I don't have photoshop anymore) I add my text etc, turn it back into a jpg when I'm all done and send it over to Costco to print photos! This makes a very cool invite that is personalized for the party. Then I stop over at JoAnn's pick up some pre-cut 4x6 magnet with sticky on one side. I take the photos and stick them on the magnets. This way when you mail them out people can put them right up on their fridge! Isn't that cool, that way invites don't get lost and they can keep up this cute picture year round if they would like. Mailing only goes up a few cents and believe me family really love this!
My supplies!
Take the picture and stick it on the magnet
Tada all done and ready to be mailed

My second little trick of the day is one I saw over at This Mom's Many Hats about Jello Popsicles! What a great idea, they last longer and don't make as much mess ... yes when I saw those words I was determined to try it out! So I did and guess what ... they rocked!!! Make your jello as normal and pour it into your Popsicle trays. I picked these up at Micheal's for $1 each (2 tray). And of course I'm a cheap mom and bought the Wal-Mart Jello for $.40. Check it out this made would have made 5 Popsicles (I only had 4) for $.40 so $.08 a piece talk about a deal! So easy and the boys loved it!
Happy Friday everyone :)
What you need
Pour the Jello in
Put the top on
& in the freezer they go!
Kids love them
Nice ending :)
And the Birthday Boy!!!
Look mom no mess :)


  1. Cute idea, I need to make invites for an upcoming party.

    Playing round robin, stop by my BUZZ blog for my round robin share... it's a giveaway!


  2. Great ideas and I'm going to try those jello pops. Thank you.

  3. Those are the cutest invites ever! I love the magnet idea:)

  4. This was a great idea for invites for sure. Thanks for playing along. I hope you get a chance to come back and check out some of the others who played along.

  5. Great ideas! Just stopping by from the Round Robin. I like the invite. It would be great as a thank you card too.

  6. That's too funny. I love when I'm checking out someone’s blog and I see something about ME! Those Popsicles are so cool (no pun intended)
    Have a great weekend girl!

  7. I found you through ROUND ROBIN! Don't feel bad about the "late" post! I am proud to say I posted just before midnight... yet with no photo until tomorrow! LOL! Your blog is the cutest I've seen! I am following and also grabbing your button for my side bar! Love the invite idea! VERY smart thinking and I will for sure use it and give credit where it's due!! Thanks so much!

  8. Happy Birthday little man :) love those invites and we love those pops make them all the time!

  9. Happy Birthday, Caden!! Jello pops rule!!!

    We had a pirate bday party for Cat a few years back and she still talks about it 2 years later!

    Love the invitations! That is a fantastic idea!!!

  10. ooohhh. Jello pops sound like a fabulous idea! I'll be trying that one for sure!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!