Friday, August 28, 2009

My Tot Clock Giveaway PLUS Coupon code

I don't know about you but getting Cole to actually go to sleep is a time and half in our house. Every night we do the normal routine bath, story and to bed we go. Now Caden is asleep with no problem at all. Cole is a another story all together, that boy just can't go to bed. You'll hear him playing, singing, kicking the wall anything but going to sleep. I've become at my wits end and then I received an email to try out a new product! Yup talk about jumping for joy!!!

Let me just say My Tot Clock is not just a toddler sleep aid it helps with so much more! Along with sleeping issues Cole has a problem with listening, go figure! My Tot Clock has 5 settings, talk about all-in-one multi functional features! Let's just say when Cole sees the Red light for time out come out I get a VERY sad face look, but it he knows that the timer is set and to wait for the time be done.

Blue Light - Bedtime I love this one it plays lullabies and even white noise
Yellow Light - Cole groans at this one ... LOL Wake up time plays fun wake up noise.
Aqua Blue Light - Nap time, yup this one works for Caden still working on Cole
Green Light - Encourage, this one is great for Coles reading time and when I can finally get Caden to potty train it's going to be a BIG helper!
Red Light - Time out time, Yup this is MOM's favorite! The one Cole sees and says no mom I promise I'll be better. Get this it has a timer!!! So you set it and there you go!
My Tot Clock is an amazing product, Cole loves walking around the house with "his" clock, that is when it's not on red :). The lullabies are wonderful and just perfect for night time and when they wake up it's a beautiful music. You know so much better than whatever channel the boys switch mine to each day, when my alarm goes off you never know what you're going to get. I think I may want to sneak their My Tot Clock in my room :).

You all ask me how I do it all, I always say lack of sleep and lot's of coffee. Now only if I could bust out something as inventive as My Tot Clock and make it all worth it. Pamela Gonzalez is one of those moms that did just that, she took her lack of sleep and built an amazing product that is helping the rest of that wish for just 10 minutes more of sleep! Does this sound familiar? I know it does, so my new best friend Pamela (she doesn't know that yet but right now she's the answer to my prayers) has been so kind to offer one of my readers their own My Tot Clock. Make sure you go over to My Tot Clock and check out all the amazing faceplate's that you can change to also!

BUY IT: You can buy your own My Tot Clock for $49.95. Right now thru August 31st you can receive an EXTRA 20% off!!! Enter MomBlog in the promotion code box!

WIN IT: One lucky reader will win a My Tot Clock of their own! 1st Entry MUST be done before any extra entries! Tell me a story about your sleepless nights, either funny, hair pulling out night or why you need a good nights sleep. Could also be about someone you know that you want to win this for!

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:
  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries) and tell me you did so in 2 separate comments.
  4. Tell me what faceplate you would like at My Tot Clock
  5. Buy a My Tot Clock - if you do by 8/31 use 20% coupon (MomBlog code) (5 Extra Entries)
  6. Enter My Swimsuit Audio Book Giveaway 3 Winners by 8/30/09 and tell me you did so.
  7. Enter My Jump Start 3 Months Free Giveaway by 9/6/09 and tell me you did so.
  8. Enter Belli Skin Care Giveaway & Birthday Bash Coupon by 9/6/09 and tell me did so.
  9. Blog about the giveaway (5 Extra Entries) and tell me you did so in 5 separate comments.
Giveaway ends 9/20/2009 @ 11:59pm PST


  1. hmmm where to start..... when my daughter was born she acid reflex I didn't know about till she was over 3 months old. she continued to wake up about 5 times a night till she was about 9 months old. then we had teeth coming in and she was up at night with lots of pain and aching. It has calmed down a bit but now she is terrified to be in her room alone so I still get woken up :( but it's worth it.

  2. email subscriber 1.

  3. email subscriber 2.

  4. I would love the princess faceplate.

  5. what an awesome product! I dont really have any stories of sleepless nights..both of my girls have always been great sleepers...knock on wood :)
    but id love this for nap time esp.

  6. Unfortunately I am the one that needs the sleep. Getting up at all hours to get daycare kiddos in really stinks. They come at 3:45am, 5:00am, 6:30am and so on. The last ones don't leave until 10pm. Not much sleep there, so naptime is a huge thing in my house. Not only are daycare kiddos napping but I sure try to also.

  7. Your cute new little button is scrolling on my left sidebar.

  8. #2 Email subscriber.


  9. I would love to have the Barnyard faceplate

  10. yeah so sleepless nights more often recently is because of my belly... Tylenol pm has done the trick. However back when DD was like 4month old and had started sleeping through the night, I was in heaven then one night oddly enough she would not sleep she started waking 2 or 3 times a night and i would have to go in to give a binky nurse or pat her to sleep... after a month or TWO of this I lost my mind I couldn't keep track of keys or cell phones or much of anything I seriously lost some expensive stuff I still don't have to this day. anyway the point is... i finally figured out i was keeping her up too late at night hoping she would sleep in longer in the mornings and instead i just made her SO tired she couldn't sleep... she started going to bed at 7:30 and all was well again in the world.

  11. princess faceplate matching the theme in that room already

  12. I entered your Swimsuit Audio book giveaway.

  13. My children are 2 and 4 now so things are getting somewhat better. I still use a gate on y 2 yr olds door since they are upstairs. Both of my kids yell/talk in thier sleep and something like this would help calm them .

  14. I need a good night's sleep because my son wakes up so damn early in the morning! LOL My son is a sleep talker so maybe this would help to soothe him. Maybe it will be a miracle and he would sleep later, too! :)

  15. This is so cute. I have a niece who has a 4 year old son who I believe needs this. She is now a single parent with 3 kids 13, 8 &
    4. She now has to work full time in the evening and the 13 years old
    babysits after school until 11PM.
    She has a hard time with her sister and little brother. I think this just might help her to control them. It's worth a try!

  16. I follow your blog because it's always a treat.

  17. I get your emails because I love to be on top of your daily posts.

  18. When you become a parent sleep goes right out the door. When my baby came she never really sleep much. Then she was in bed with us. We thought at 11 months she was sleeping through the night. She had us fooled. Now we go to sleep with a smile but rise early the next day. A clock like this would be a great help with the different sounds and just a great way to learn about time.

  19. my last sleepless night was when I spent the night with my grandbaby she slept great the first night we stayed but the second was one that was not good for any one in the house she woke up at 11 pm and every 1/2 hour after that I am not sure why but just know he did

  20. My 2 year old still sleeps in a crib tent so even if he wanted to get up, he can't! My 3 year old, however, has developed the bad habit of coming in to sleep with my husband almost every night (he doesn't dream of asking me, because he knows what I'd say!)... I foresee this becoming a HUGE problem when we have our third in January. That is one crowded bedroom. I also don't want him to wake up his baby sister! So I could definitely use this Tot Clock for my toddlers' room :)

  21. Got your button

  22. Subscriber
    frugonomics101 (At) g mail

  23. Subscriber 2
    frugonomics101 (At) g mail

  24. I would probably choose the Noah's Ark faceplate.

  25. This summer has been a rough one for getting sleep. My daughter started getting up several times during the night at the beginning of the summer and now that she is doing good, my son has started waking up crying (and mad!) at night. It would be great if this clock could help them know it is still night time and to stay in bed! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  26. I'm a follower through blogger.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  27. I like the barnyard faceplate (of course!) :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  28. I just subscribed! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  29. 2nd subscription entry.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  30. My DD never had a problem going to sleep. She had a problem waking up toooooo early. If we let her get out of bed early, she inches it up a little more the next morning until she's waking up at 4 am ready for the day. We had to let her cry a LOT to keep her in bed until 7. This clock would be fabulous. thanks!
    ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

  31. I like the Ballerina design. thanks!
    ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

  32. I would love to have this for my future kid's and also for my niece's now. I've been watching them for 2 weeks now and will be doing that for awhile because their mother is really sick. It'd be good to help my 1 year old niece go to sleep better. Right now she just talks, sings, etc. It takes her hours to fall asleep!
    Thanks for the chance!

  33. I'm following your lovely blog! I love the monkeys!

  34. I like the Barnyard Faceplate! Thanks!

  35. I entered the Belli Skincare Giveaway!

  36. I entered the Jumpstart Givewaway!

  37. I blogged! 1

  38. I blogged! 2

  39. I blogged! 3

  40. I blogged! 4

  41. I blogged! 5

  42. I have a kiddo who is really afraid of the dark even if the door is cracked the specific requested way so I am thinking this Tot Clock might be really halpful in easing some anxiety. Hair pulling? You bet--getting called back to the bedroom multiple times to adjust the door, check things out. Evenings is when I get most stuff done (bookkeeping, housework, me-time) Sure hope to win this.

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  43. I'd love to have the barnyard faceplate I think.

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  44. Follower (rubymoon/Ally)

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  45. Email subscriber

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  46. Email subscriber

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  47. I entered the Belli giveaway.

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  48. is pretty much every night my 3 yr old thinks any where from 11pm up to the 2am is her special playtime...wouldn't be so bad if I didnt have to get up at 6am to get the rest of the kiddos off to school...

  49. My favorite is the Princess faceplate for a girl and the Barnyard for a boy.

  50. My daughter isn't too bad at going to bed and sleeping during the night, but we could DEFINITELY use this to let her know when it is okay to get out of bed in the morning. The pitter patter of feet leading to her standing next to the bed at WAY TOO EARLY o'clock has got to end!

  51. I'm an email subscriber using the address below. #1

    xpbloch at juno dot com

  52. I'm an email subscriber using the address below. #2

    xpbloch at juno dot com

  53. I would choose the Butterflies Faceplate for my daughter.

  54. I entered the Belli Skin Care Giveaway.

  55. oh my god! i do pull my hair out at night. i thought i was the only one!

  56. My son NEVER slept! Night and day he was up ALL the time and my daughter SLEEPS all the time. It's amazing how different they are!

  57. I like the barnyard faceplate. I wish they had one with cars and trucks on it.

  58. I need a good nights sleep because it seems like one of the kids is always sick! And then, they climb into our bed, or we let them sleep there so we can watch them. I end up with a foot in my back, a hand in my neck, etc!
    I really need a good nights sleep!

  59. I'm a follower

  60. Have your button up!

  61. Email subscriber #2

  62. I'd love the Butterfly faceplate to match my daughters room!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!