Monday, September 28, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Bisquick Pizza

Make Something Monday

Another quick and easy one for you, I had some left over stuff for a pizza quiche and decided that we'll do a Bisquick version. I can't remember where the heck I put the recipe but the pictures show you the step by step :). Enjoy super easy and fast!

Rick got Cole his own apron for helping in the kitchen!
How cute huh? :)
What you need!
Add Onions (diced so someone doesn't have a cow)
Add Parmesan Cheese
Add Bisquick
Add Milk
Add 2 Eggs
Pour over onions
Add Pizza Sauce
Add Pepperoni & Green Onions
Add Cheese
Really it was yummy.
Should have taken a picture BEFORE cutting into it!
Caden loved it so much he thought his hair needed some!


  1. love having little cooks in the kitchen so much fun and they love to help looks like you all did a great job

  2. How sweet of Rick. I see the other boy running by as you two are cooking. I guess he comes back when it is time to eat... Have a great day.

  3. What a great idea! I'll have to try this! Getting kids in the kitchen is so fun!

    PS - I'm new to your blog and I love it!

  4. That looks delicious! I love how Caden decided to wear it-too cute! :-)

  5. Ha! how darn cute, but you all are!

    Loving the apron...

  6. Looks like a yummy meal!
    Love the apron and I think it is awesome that you are teaching your boys how to cook. It's very important so they do not have to depend on a woman for their meal later in life.
    My kids always shared their food with their hair.......LOL

  7. You are such my Shero. How the hell do you find the time? I'm having enough trouble keeping up with typing a post.

  8. Love it :) yummy as always. The apron Cole has is so adorable and Caden sure knows how to enjoy his food LOL

  9. You know its a winner when they're wearing it!

  10. I still need to get some Bisquick.
    Love the pizza in the hair. I do miss my children being young because we don't always appreciate them at the time but I do not miss the mess!

  11. You cook like me! I love your recipe posts!

  12. This looks really yummy - minus the onions because of Bill, you know that :-) I can't even hide them. Cole looks SO cute in his apron, what a sweet thing for Rick to do.

    Please stop by my blog to pick up an award:

  13. Hey! We have a green and pink apron that looks just like that.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!