Thursday, September 3, 2009

Queue the Tears ~ My babies are big boys now!

Monday of course was yet another crazy day! I ran around trying to get Cole's BC, yes I left it to the last day! I got to the Vital Static building stood in line. You know behind the girl that told them one last name for her child, they could find that name but found the child under 2 other names. Oh yeah I forgot she says, her real father should be on there now we just had him test!!! WTHeck? Yup this child was like 6, ok I'm stepping down I really was just shocked and tried not to have my mouth hang up too wide!

Then it was my turn and guess what, yup I forgot my wallet at home. Back in the car and back home we went. Thankfully it was just me and Caden. Rick took Cole with him for several hours, yup to make up for his attitude on Sunday! So back in the car we go, Rick has been making fun of Caden's hair for a while now saying it was too long and looking like a girl. So on the way back to the Vital Static Building I stop at a barber to get Caden's hair cut. Queue the first set of tears for the week! His little boy face now looks like a big boy! I'm so sad, yes I'm still carrying around the bad of hair. Oh hush, he's my last baby!

Check out the photos, 2 of him with his hair spiked the night before in front of the house. Then him getting it all cut off!

Then came Tuesday, Cole's 1st day of Kindergarten! I was so sad and in tears, Cole just wanted me to leave.. LOL. We went to the pre school BBQ the night before (yes I took a picture below of him sitting at the desk). So as I'm dropping him off I noticed all the other kids where wearing khaki pants. Oh crap, I didn't read the whole handbook it was 28 pages long! Yup dress code different from Pre-K last year! So we need khaki/Black/Navy pants, yes only jeans on FRIDAYS!!!! Crap, we don't own any of those pants. Off to Target Tuesday night to pick up a pair! Man I need a new brain!

And then tonight while I was making dinner the door bell rang. Cole ran over opened it up while I'm yelling at him not to open the door. I find the pastor of the church and an elder standing there, from the church I was telling you about yesterday. Oh yeah, thankfully I've been working on my potty mouth and didn't say a bad word. I was so surprised and a little taken back, they were so sweet and handed me a cute little bag and thanked me for coming on Sunday! Wasn't that totally sweet and so not necessary. I thanked them and told them we will be there on Sunday. And look what they brought me, yes those would be my FAVORITE cookies, White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies!!! I told you this new place is special!


  1. OMG! First day if Kindergarten! Hope his day went well. Nothing beats Target, right? )

  2. Oh wow......the cookies were so sweet!.......I'm feeling good things coming for you dear.......

    I totally know what you mean about the big boy....TigerBoy has no more baby look's so sad...........
    But hey, looks like Caden does well at his haircuts.....TigerBoy would have been crying his eyes

    Glad you finally got the birth certificate....darn those dress codes......

  3. Hey poser,

    I was in tears the whole post. Yes, I know. I just feel I have gotten to know you and the boys and it was so neat to watch them all got through these changes. What am I going to do when mine gets that big?? I know you will be here for me... Love ya.... Love the hair in a bag...

  4. aw! i cant imagine when i have kids how hard that first day of kind. will be... and that was so super sweet of them church ppl to stop by... you might just have a great thing going here!!

  5. My husband LOVES those cookies! I'm sure if the preacher here would bring cookies - John would never miss a Sunday!!

  6. How touching for the church to really make you feel welcome! Hope your family enjoys it as much as you do.
    Congratulations on Cole's first day at school. I can't imagine my babies being big enough to go out into the big world "all alone" (not with mommy is alone as far as I am concerned). Parts of me look forward to it and parts of my maternal instincts scream "nonononono keep them close and safe forever!!!"

  7. Sounds like things are looking up! That's great. He looks fabulous with his haircut (and don't feel bad about carrying around the hair, I still have my son's hair - in a scrapbook - and he is 18 years old).
    Cole looks adorable at his desk.
    Here's hoping for a fabulous kindergarden year!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!