Friday, November 20, 2009

A 2 Year Olds Life

So of course I have to show the other little man in my life. Most of the times this little one is super sweet! Mom says I wished for a girl so hard I got the sweetest little boy! Yup I'm saying this was the way I was when I was young ... yup dad I'm sticking with this :).
Since Brother Got a Hair cut I would too!
At first I had a freak out for my 2nd cut ...
But then it was ok!
Love Riding in Bapas Truck
The ceramic Chickens .... I like to flip you over!
I did push too hard I broke the top of this bin
I wanted some juice ... Opps it's a little to heavy it's on the floor
Look at me mom! Cheesy
I love Trains! I build tracks everywhere
At other houses ....
On Moms pictures ....
In my room with a truck wall ...
And oh yeah a Tea Party!
Look Mom is working from home
I'll play in high chair while mom makes calls
Oh wait I'm tired dads in bed ...
I'll crawl up and make camp on him
I pick up the phone and say "Hello ... No Mom's Working"
I sit in a egg crate
I run around with a big foam hand!
Yup the life with two different boys! ... LOL Life is never dull!
But I know the Pee on the toilet will come with this one too!


  1. Totally love the freak out cry before the hair cut! :)

  2. Totally love the freak out cry before the hair cut! :)

  3. Oh no melt down before a hair cut! His new cut looks great!

  4. Love the mosaic photos! BTW, I am soooooooooo glad to be back!

  5. What a doll! Smiles all around!!!!

    We haven't been for the ceremonial first hair cut with girl yet... I'm not looking forward to it.

  6. Great post!!! I know how you feel! :)

  7. Awww, now you make me want to do a collage of my 23 year old and post it, he would kill me, since I already got away with his cake face cute over here!

  8. Gosh-he's adorable! I LOVE those smiles! :-)

  9. That seems to about cover it for a two year old...boy or girl!

  10. they are just so cute..

    and i know that sometimes they might drive you crazy.. but oh those little faces of theirs!!!

    have a wonderful wkend dear!!!!!

  11. Too funny!........But he's so darn cute.....that counts for something, right?....
    Good luck on next week......

  12. Cute haircut and always love the big grin! What's with the tea party? They do keep you busy.
    Have a great weekend.

  13. I loved hearing his story. They are so cute.. Thanks for sharing this with me..

  14. what?? all seems perfectly normal stuff to me...LOL...

  15. I love this post! So much so...that even if I post later... I have to share this conversation that I just had with my two year old

    Baby SCREAMS
    Me: What did you do to your sister?
    Him: I put her in the tub.
    Me: You pushed your sister in the tub?
    Him: No?
    Me:"Where is your sister?"
    Him:"In the tub"


  16. I absolutely love the photo collage, especially the freak out before the cut. I think every mom's heart melted just a little when they saw how old he looks after the 'do... sad, yes, but absolutely adorable :)
    It was great meeting you this week, and hopefully we will be seeing a ton more of you!

  17. Such a little luv bug!! I adore his smiles!! He is such a cutie - they both are... How on earth do you get anything done with them both around all day? You are an amazing woman!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!