Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Novel Idea Book Review

Ok I know this happens to me often. I need to write something I just know that people come by here and I have to have something up daily! Ok yes I totally know I'm blowing my own horn and use I'm crazy go nuts if I don't post daily. But as some of you may know it's hard to always come up with something new to post about. I mean I can't wish for food under the bed everyday to post about right? LOL ;)

People that writing a book, short stories etc have the same thing were you can't get those words that are swimming around in your head onto paper. So then what happens when you get it all wrote up, how do you promote it and yourself? Having a blog I know the hardships of going from 2 people reading you to have 250 readers and praying each day (yes I check daily) if I have a new follower. It takes time to go out and find new people you like to read that would hopefully like to read you also.

Do you ever get stumped on your writing, like what kid and their terrible habits will I feature today? Or hmmm is this a good idea to post or am I going to get some nasty grams at what a bad mom I am. No really I know sometimes how hard it is to post, worry about if people will like it and read it and how to grow your readers along with your social networking.

Well if you're anything like me, well not as crazy as me but still have these same questions do I have the book for you! A Novel Idea is just the book to read. Wrote by a group of best selling Christian writers. You enjoy all the that will help you brainstorm and make your craft the best it can be. This is a wonderful book that was a breath of fresh air and inspired me to be better.

Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers I truly enjoyed this book for all of is ideas and tips to help me become better. Enjoy I know you will!

You can buy your own for $14.99 on sale right now at Amazon $10.19 or on Kindle for $9.99


  1. Just saying Hi... Sorry we missed each other...

  2. Man oh man! They shoulda given you a few to have for giveaways!!!!! I'll def check this one out. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  3. There isn't a blogger out there who wouldn't enjoy this one!

  4. Boy, do I agree with Blueviolet... I am sure that all bloggers out there could use this book on one occasion or annother.
    Thanks for the great review.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!