Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tie Buddies Giveaway

I'm so excited to share this new item with you, we received it a while back so I must apologize for not posting before now. I wanted to be able to share pictures of Cole using the Tie Buddies on his shoes. He's been in Kindergarten awhile now and ready to sit (you know he's all boy and sitting is hard) and learn this. So I was so excited to show you pictures of Cole (the whole reason for waiting) and guess what my card reader is not liking me! So I'm starting with an apology to my amazing sponsor Tie Buddies for the delay on my post.

What I enjoyed about Tie Buddies is how easy it was to show Cole to do this, you know he's getting to be very independent these days (the reason for Velcro in my life). But most of the shoes he wants these days don't have velcro they are tie shoes. I need not remind you what the morning time is like in my house and throwing in tie shoes into the mix just makes this mom want to cry even more. So you know when I saw these I had to try them, Cole wasn't ready to learn until about 2 weeks ago. The steps are very simple but they do take a few times and some practice, and my boys not so much on sitting and taking time.

I'm happy to say we are ready to learn and can simply follow the steps (I've included them at the bottom) to tie our own shoes. You should have seen the day he wore them to school, he was the hit of the playground (yup he told me the other kids thought he was COOL). We received the Red and Green Race Cars that of course are super cool because they have cars on them! His teacher even asked me about them when I picked him up that first day about it. I of course was the talking queen I am and even told a few of the other mom's there about them!

What a cool way to help your child feel independant and make your life easier. I know moms what a way to go! Most shoe laces are the same size so they fit almost all shoes, I have seen a few of those laces that are thick but most of them have been on the teenager skater shoes. And you know how I love to show off moms that invent amazing things! Well Tie Buddies is no exception Wendy Welling a mother of two daughter who also were wanting their independence. After many protocols and I'm sure trials and tribulations she was able to figure out the right combination of cool stories and characters. We all know when buying clothes the bargaining that goes on and sometimes those characters just win! This way they can sport some cute characters on their feet and learn to tie there shoes at the same time. As I mentioned velcro is the driving force in many moms life, which can help increase children's learning age to tie their shoes to age 9 or 10! I know I never really thought of that, but Tie Buddies helps kids as young as 3 learn to tie their shoes. Tie Buddies are great for ages 3 to 9! Currently they have 2 styles one for boys and one for girls, but no worries more are to come! Now check out how easy this is:

Yup Cole's teacher would say this!
Step 1 put Tie Buddies on the lace
Step 2 - Make an X
Step 3 - get your loops ready
Step 4 - pass over each other
Step 5 - Back and Forth
Step 6 - Push threw hole
Step 7 - Grab and Pull away
Step 8 - Your DONE!!
What are you waiting for don't you want less tears in the morning? Don't you know the kids are laughing at you for crying ... :) no really I'm all about making life easy and believe me these will help. Even if you don't have small children take a look around and I'm sure you'll find a mom in need!

BUY IT: You get 4 Tie Buddies (you know 2 for each shoe) for $8.99! And the best part is they can be taken off one shoe and put onto another pair! I think Cole may actually own more shoes than me (my mom goes crazy buying shoes .. Cole loves it, he's like dad).

WIN IT: One lucky winner will win Tie Buddies for themselves! I'm so excited that you'll have a chance to win these!

ENTER: Head over to Tie Buddies and tell me what style you would like to try! Very simple but make sure you choose wisely because that will be what is shipped to you.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Head over to Tie Buddies and let me know something you learned
  6. Enter my Connected Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/29/09
  7. Enter my Make it Fast, Cook it Slow Giveaway by 11/30/09
  8. Enter my King Arthur Flour Giveaway by 12/01/09
  9. Enter my C.Belly Belts Giveaway by 12/07/09
  10. Enter my Exergen TemporalScanner Giveaway by 12/07/09
  11. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 12/14/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion


  1. i like the red and green race car ones for my son
    vickers at comcast dot net

  2. i learned that in April 2007 this mother of two independent shoe-tying daughters created her own company, Widget Works, Inc, and launched Tie Buddies™ into the market.

  3. entered make it fast cook it slow giveaway

  4. Man you are the queen of giveaways! I love it! Rock on!

  5. I checked out the site and those fairy princess ones would be perfect for my girls!!!

  6. I think the red and green race cars for my friends son.

  7. My 3yo daughter was just trying to tie her shoe laces today, without success.
    Fairy and Magic Wand for us.

  8. I would choose the Fairy and Magic Wand for Brooke!
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  9. I would choose the red and green race cars


  10. I follow your blog


  11. I learned that these are very affordable at only $8.99 for two pairs


  12. I would like to try the Fairy and Magic Wand

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I follow your blog

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. I entered your C.Belly Belts Giveaway

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. Red and Green Race Cars for us!

  16. I have your button at in my scrolling blogs section.

  17. Following w/ Networked Blogs: Cindy greer Dyer

  18. Following w/ Networked Blogs: Cindy Greer Dyer


  19. Following w/ Networked Blogs: Cindy Greer Dyer


  20. Goodness. I learned that "the average age of children learning to tie has increased with some children learning (to) as late as 9 or 10."

  21. These are so cool! The Fairy Magic ones would work best for us!

  22. I love that the tie buddies were created by a mom! All the best products are you know. Sure wish I had thought of it!

  23. I entered the Make It Fast giveaway

  24. Ditto on the Connected Book giveawat

  25. Same for the Exergen TemporalScanner

  26. My Sidebar Giveaway section was created JUST FOR YOU!

  27. red and green race cars. we are struggling with shoe tying right now!


  28. I learned that with Velcro and slip-ons the average age of children learning to tie has increased with some children learning as late as 9 or 10.


  29. Tie Buddies was born in January of 2007.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!