Friday, December 18, 2009

Bloggers Santa Swap has arrived at my house

Gift Guide
I'm so excited to show off what my amazing friend Kristy @ Momma loves to shop! sent me for the Bloggers Santa Swap. She was so super sweet and did so much, really I'm going to have to send more fun stuff to her. She even thought of the kids, man I really need to get my mommy brain on when I do these and send over stuff for the kids also.
She was so sweet she included a book that was actually on my must read list, talk about knowing me! A pedi set for my sad little toes, that are needing some serious help! Lot's of yummy goodies and the best fudge for one of my all time favorite Christmas Movies "The Christmas Story". Remember the "Oh FFFUDGE" ... when poor little Ralphy dropped the nuts in the snow and a not so nice word came out. Oh soap how I remember you in my mouth when I was younger!
And the topper the BEST card ever and again from my favorite movie. Yup that is a picture of the famous Leg Lamp!!!! I so need on of those for an ornament to go on the tree! But no worries this card is on the front of my card tree!
Thanks again Kristy you're just amazing and so sweet for taking so much time and thought into my gift. I had to hide the treats so the boys leave them for me! MUAH!!! Make sure you stop over and say hi to her, and check out her awesome site! Click the button below!!
Fairy Blog Mother


  1. How know how I am with mail or I would join you :)

  2. What a fantastic package... how sweet that she thought of your boys. I'm still waiting for my package... I can't wait. I love the Mickey stickers... and I have read that book, you are gonna LOVE it! Enjoy the FFFUUUUDDDGGEEE!

  3. Oh cool! You would be so jealous then of what I did last weekend! My husband and I went on a "date" with a couple of our friends to see A Christmas Story - the live play last weekend. Before the play we visited the house and got the grand tour, leg lamp and all! My friend wanted to buy one in the gift shop- who knows, maybe we'll suprise him. If you're ever in the Cleveland area it's a must see!

  4. very nice.. I loved seeing you in the pictures..

  5. I'm SO glad you liked your treats! I had a blast shopping for you, and when I saw that fudge, I just HAD to get it! A Christmas Story is my favorite movie too! : )
    And thanks so much for my goodies, I am trying so hard NOT to make the scones, I really want to save them for Christmas morning, but they just look so darn good! I've never seen them before, so it's going to be a nice surprise for all of us!
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas : )

  6. You got the mother load! I love the Christmas Story fudge!

  7. Looks like you received a very nice package. My 21 yoa nephew is obsessed with A Christmas Story. The movie is on all day long on TBS today. I'll be watching it for sure.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!