Saturday, December 12, 2009

(CLOSED) Knock Knock Giveaway!

Are you like me and like a little humor to break up the craziness of this thing they call my life? You know me hopefully by now reading my ramblings that I love to have fun and laughing keeps the tears at bay. So when Knock Knock asked me to do a review and giveaway I just knew it was perfect match with my blog and my life!

Just in time for the holiday season you can find some amazing stocking stuffer's! The perfect gift for that tired over worked mom you know or for dad who loves a good funny gift that hello you can use. I'm all for a fun gift for Rick I usually throw a few in his stocking but I'm also the same person that hate's items that then sit around collecting dust. I HATE nick nakes, I know just crazy.

So here is the solution to my problem I can still get these funny gifts Rick really enjoys but then he can actually make use of them! Some of my favorites that you should check out are Pads, Organizational stuff and for anyone who knows me knows my love of these Sticky Notes. Even for those Annoying people that you just have to love, right? I haven't found the way to kick them out of my life yet!

I think I found the perfect Pad for my world it's appropratly named Don't Kill the Kids Pad. Stop laughing and rolling (@@) your eyes at me you know you've thought it! This Pad is great for when you have a babysitter over. Easy to fill in blanks with of course the usual stuff you need just in a fun way of seeing!

I think these (Temperature Task Clips) will be next on my list to buy ... isn't that the funniest thing ever! But guess what you can actually use them and organize your life! This is where my sticky notes come in handy, but even better a way clip them all together and anyone that stops by your desk can see what you're working on and what stage it is at in your life. Now I think most things in my life would be with the ON FIRE clip. I don't think I know what cool is? LOL

So guess what you are so lucky gets a Don't Kill the Kids Pad for their very own babysitting experience. Now some of you actually get to leave the house, I'm working on that one. Soon one day I'll get out of the house and you know I'll be filling out my own.

BUY IT: Don't Kill the Kids Pad for $7.50 (60 sheets - 6x9 inches). Yes that means you can leave the house 60 times. The kids may be in College by the time I get to that many times, but darn it I'm going to work on it!

WIN IT: Head over to Knock Knock and tell me another item you would like to try.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries (extra entries will be disqualified if first entry isn't done). SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my Tie Buddies Giveaway by 12/14/09
  6. Enter my Yo Plus Light Giveaway by 12/15/09
  7. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 12/28/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

I received a pad to try and give my opinion of what I thought, no money was given.


  1. Hey poser Happy Saturday to you..

    I like the gift for family members. The Green classified bag is neat.

  2. I love knock knock products! I'm a follower!

  3. I love the All About Me Calander...and the pros and cons list...and the file folders....

  4. Are we twins :) I love your freakin sense of humor...sista!

  5. I love the 365 Days to Procrastinate: 2010 Daily Notepad Calendar. The personal library kit is also very cute.


  6. I follow your blog


  7. I entered the tie buddies giveaway


  8. I entered the yoplus giveaway


  9. I LOVE office supplies. I'm an nut and would buy everything. Of course you know about my post it note addiction...I'd take any of them they sell. I'm particularly fond of the Total Crap one :O)

  10. I heart buttons...and your is so darn cute!

  11. I get another entry for your outbox tickling my inbox! Teeheee

  12. ALL the cool kids have YOU on their sidebar!

  13. I like the Eat Me sticky notes with the gingerbread man. It's midnight here & I'm getting sleepy.
    The website looks awesome!

  14. I get your emails.
    Okay, I'm done, I hope I win!

  15. Hey Twinsie! I found this site last week and love it. I might buy any of the funny post-its.

  16. I love the frisky coupon book
    heh heh
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com
    (I told you I was feelin' frisky)

  17. I follow - watch out for the goat droppings!
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  18. I subscribe
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  19. I really do!
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  20. I'm in your networked blogs
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  21. In my pearls
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  22. don't they look good against my fur?
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  23. Your button is on the publicist's site at
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  24. and I do believe you saw the link. thanks for the reminder!lol
