Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tempt My Tummy ~ Easy to Make Holiday Cinnamon Rolls

Blessed with Grace

One of my amazing bloggy buddies is a Chef, I mean a RL Chef gone to school to boot has the title and can rock a meal. Most of the meals she puts up I just drool over and know one day I may be able to pull something like that off. Then guess what she posted a recipe even I could do! Chef E is her name and Food ~ Wine ~ Fun is her blog and the recipe that I could rock is:Easy To Make Holiday Cinnamon Rolls
You know my love of quick, yummy and cheap and here is a recipe that does this on all levels! Now of course I was missing a few items, but again you know my motto don't go out and buy stuff use what you have in your house. So I thought I had pre-made pizza dough but all I had was crescent rolls and of course all I had to do was use my handy dandy pampered chef tool and rolled them out into a flat pizza shape! All about making do! The other thing I didn't have was buttermilk but I had half and half (hello coffee drinker all day here) so I used this instead. Good times. Oh yeah did I mention these have pumpkin in them, LOL sorry I did give you 2 recipes with out pumpkin the last two recipe post. Come on people it's that time of year, bare with me!

These were amazing and my two helpers even helped. Caden is now big enough to get on the stool and help, proud day in our world! Cole even had a second helping, yes you read that correct picky eater boy had seconds!

Check it out it's easy and I bet you have this in your kitchen
Plus the kids can help!
The wax paper rocks you can use it to roll it up!
Now the crescent rolls where a little thin so they weren't the prettiest
But darn it if they weren't good!

Here is Chef E's recipe:
Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls the E'Z Way

1/4 cup Pumpkin Puree
Pumpkin Pie Spice
(Alexis used Pumpkin Pie Spice I have a stock in this)
Dark Brown Sugar
Powder Sugar
Maple Sugar (or Maple Syrup)
Cream Cheese
Pillsbury Ready Made Pizza dough in a can

Lay down wax paper, two sheets overlapped; then open the can of dough; stretch it out just a bit bigger, and if holes start to pop up, pinch it together.

In a medium bowl mix ¼ cup pumpkin with ½ cup brown sugar, and a heaping spoonful of pumpkin spice (thank goodness he does cook on occasion); blend well and spread onto dough with large spoon or spatula. Do this as evenly as you can and leave ¼ inch on edges for rolling.

Crush 1/4 cup walnuts and sprinkle onto puree mixture.

Gently start rolling the longest end up like a jelly roll or log, and cut ½ inch size spirals.

Spread these out in a non stick baking pan (original recipe recommends spraying, I did not have too). The original said to pat them down, and that they could touch, but I found keeping them apart about ¼ inch away after patting them down that they cook and look prettier.

Bake 475 degree oven for 23-25 minutes- Gas ovens- adjust about five degrees lower,

Icing- Mix together 1 cup powder sugar, 1 tablespoon maple sugar (1/2 teaspoon maple syrup), 1 Tablespoons cream cheese, 1 tablespoon buttermilk, and mix very well. Adjust to adding more sugar if too runny.

Let the cinnamon rolls cool and drizzle the icing all over, and Bon Appetite.
Note: Mine only needed to cook for 15 minutes it was a regular oven but again I used crescent rolls so they were thinner! Also used Maple Syrup instead of Maple sugar


  1. As long as they boys helped and enjoyed eating them, and especially while they were warm! Yum, I am enjoying my next E'Z recipe you and they little chef's will have to try!


  2. All of a sudden my yogurt and Special K cereal bar just aren't cutting it! I'm writing down the recipie as soon as I'm done here at the comment box.

    Duckalicious OUT

  3. These look amazing thanks!

  4. I would love to be able to make my own cinnamon rolls

  5. Oh so yummy that is what we have for breakfast on Christmas Morning. I made something today..

  6. These look amazing! Ohhhh I'll have to try this recipe!! Thanks for sharing <3

  7. looks good! For future if you dont have buttermilk you can add a little vinegar to some milk and let it set for a couple of minutes....then you have buttermilk

  8. Oh yum... I could use one (or two or three!) of those right now with my morning coffee.

  9. oh why must you post these things that make me drool everywhere... lol!!!

  10. Thank you for letting me know Charlie Brown is on tonight. I can't wait! =) And uhm.. I must say YUM again to this post.

  11. Yummy! I tell you what, you bring your kids over and I will make the crafty stuff for them to play with, you can make the food for them to eat, and we will just sit back and talk while they all play! Sounds like a plan. :-)

  12. They sound really good, interesting with the pumpkin.
    I don't know how you do it. How do you work, cook, take care of your family/home and still find time to do this. I will most likely continue to pop open the ready made!

  13. Oh my goodness!! Those look wonderful. What a great change from just regular cinnamon rolls! I love pumpkin. Thanks for linking to TMTT.

  14. yummy yummy I missed your food this week :)

  15. Gotta love pumpkin!!! These look like something I MUST try! ;-)

  16. That looks like something all of us would love. Much better than the ones in a can.

  17. These look really good!! And how adorable that both boys can help you now... they are so cute.

  18. There you go, tempting me with more pumpkin! I'll have to check out Chef E myself!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!