Sunday, January 10, 2010

(CLOSED) I Drink for Reason Audio Book Giveaway (3 Winners)

First off I love comedy, from seeing it in a live show to on TV or in a movie. David Cross is one of those amazing actors that makes you laugh and sometimes cry from laughing to hard. He's know for such roles as "never-nude" Tobias Funke on Arrested Development and the role of "David" in Mr. Show With Bob And David, as well as a hugely successful stand-up routine full of sharp-tongued rants and rages.

His stand up routine is out there with no holds bar on, some of my fav is like calling pseudo-celebrity. Anyone who knows me knows how we joke around about being PC. NO I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings ever but sometimes it feels a little much. And David Cross has in his acts were he loves to push the buttons of the way-too-easily offended P.C. left or the caustic, double-standard of the callous (but funnier) right, Cross has something to say about everyone, including his own ridiculous self.

If your a fan of any of his roles in TV and movies or his stand up routine then you're going to love this book. The title of the book made me laugh out loud, it's a running joke with my girlfriend who's a stay at home mom. Whenever I call to check on her, her famous words to me ... Yup you guess it "There's a reason I drink". When this audio book arrived I almost died and had to call her. Listening to it was perfect for uplifting my mood, he weaves his media mockery, celebrity denunciation, religious commentary and sheer madness into book form, revealing the true story behind his almost existential distaste of Jim Belushi ("The Belush"), disclosing the up-to-now unpublished minutes to a meeting of Fox television network executives, and offering up a brutally grotesque run-in with Bill O'Reilly. Let me just say the Bill O'Reilly one got me! And as if this wasn't enough for your laughing pleasure in these troubled times, some of the pieces splinter off with additional material being created online in exclusive video and animated web content created solely for the book-a historical first (presumably)!

With a mix of personal essays, satirical fiction posing as truth, advice for rich people, information from America's least favorite Rabbi and a top-ten list of top-ten lists, I DRINK FOR A REASON is as unique as the comedian himself, and cannot be missed.

I Drink for a Reason
Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book!

I Drink for a Reason Audio is $29.98 Amazon has on sale for $16.31 or or on Kindle for $14.39

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 3 of my readers I Drink for a Reason Audio book. To Enter just leave a comment.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my To Desire A Devil Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  6. Enter my Sins of the Flesh Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  7. Enter my A Climate for Change Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  8. Enter my Can God Be Trusted? Finding Faith in Troubled Time by 1/17/10
  9. Enter my Spread Heads Giveaway by 1/24/10
  10. Enter my Teri Woods Alibi Audio CD Giveaway (3 Winners) by 1/24/10
  11. Enter my Alex Cross's Trial Audio CD Giveaway (3 Winners) by 1/24/10
  12. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 1/24/10 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion


  1. OOOOH! I'm first???? I hope I win. Everyone knows the first comment never wins....well...hardly ever.

    I LOVE me some comedy and David Cross is RIGHT up my alley. What a perfect way to spend the drive into work everyday...laughing my arse off!

  2. Bloggy Button Luvin happen with this chick

  3. You best be emailin' me to say I won!


  4. Desire A Devil....always have been attracted to the bad boys

  5. A Climate for Change - yup...entered that one too! DUH

  6. Can God Be Trusted?


    But I entered anyway

  7. Spread Heads giveaway....this one is so super cool. You have the best giveaways EVAH

  8. I entered the Terri Woods giveaway. I'm giving this one to my sister if I win.

    My sister says DAFFY BETTER WIN

  9. If I win me some James Patterson I'll share...may not GIVE it to my sister...but I'll share.

    I know, I know...I'm so generous that way.

  10. My sidebar just loves your giveaways!

  11. You know, sometimes I really hate leading other people to you via my sidebar. The less people that enter the better the odds I'm gonna win! LOL...but you know how it goes...

  12. sidebar hearts your blog so much! It was created just for you!

  13. This sounds like a funny book! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.


  14. I'm not really entering. This was one of my sons Christmas gifts, the book that is!

  15. I could use a laugh and a win ... simultaneously would be ideal

  16. Button posted here:

  17. what a fun giveaway! who doesn't like to laugh?

  18. I'd love to heard this for the Bill O'Reilly story alone, beat it's a good one.
    Theresa N

  19. What a perfect way to get a little comedy in your day by listening to an audio book by David Cross.

  20. Hachette Book Group I would love to win the audio book!

  21. I subscribe to your blog via email I hope I win the I Drink for a Reason

  22. I subscribe to your blog via email I hope I win the I Drink for a Reason

  23. I subscribe to your blog via email I hope I win the I Drink for a Reason

  24. Please include me in the giveaway.
    (amt at telus dot net)

  25. I entered the To Desire a Devil giveaway

  26. I entered the Sins of the Flesh giveaway

  27. I entered the A Climate for Change giveaway

  28. I entered the Can God Be Trusted? giveaway

  29. I am following your blog (Anne-Marie T)

  30. I am subscribed to emails (amt at telus dot net) entry #1

  31. I am subscribed to emails (amt at telus dot net) entry #2

  32. I entered the Teri Woods Alibi Audio CD Giveaway

  33. I entered to Alex Cross's Trial Audio CD Giveaway

  34. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:10:00 AM

    I'd love a chance to win a copy! I certainly would love to listen while doing housework. Would makes things go faster for sure.

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  35. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:11:00 AM

    Follower on GFC (Ally)

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  36. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:11:00 AM

    Email subscriber


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  37. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:12:00 AM

    Email subscriber


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  38. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:15:00 AM

    Following you on Networked Blogs as rose manning


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  39. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:16:00 AM

    Following you on Networked Blogs as rose manning


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  40. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:16:00 AM

    Following you on Networked Blogs as rose manning


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  41. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:17:00 AM

    I entered Spread heads

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  42. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:17:00 AM

    I entered Alibi audio book giveaway

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  43. I am following on Facebook Networked blogs (Anne-Marie Tvete) entry #1

  44. I am following on Facebook Networked blogs (Anne-Marie Tvete) entry #2

  45. I am following on Facebook Networked blogs (Anne-Marie Tvete) entry #3

  46. Who doesn't love to laugh? Count me in! Thanks.


  47. This sounds like a fun book! Girlie, you get the best books to do reviews on! I bet the audio of this book is great!
