Thursday, January 7, 2010

(CLOSED) Spread Heads Giveaway

Anyone else have a hard time with brushing the teeth with little ones? Ok we do it but it usually is a bit of a hassle, that is with Cole, Caden still thinks it's cool! Spread Heads sent us Toothpaste Pete a puppy and Toothpaste Oscar a kitty. Cole picked out Toothpaste Pete and gave Toothpaste Oscar to his neighbor buddy for Christmas. Now the regular toothpaste we had before just isn't cool enough to use, we MUST use Toothpaste Pete! It's so cute watching both boys stand on the stool putting toothpaste on their brushes. Yup no more tears (from mom) and stomping (from Cole) and heck ya fewer cavities because we're actually getting our teeth cleaned on a regular basis! They fit on most toothpaste containers, it's fit on all the ones we had (yes I tried it out even on mine ... come on mom has to have fun too!). They are only $4.99 and for something you'll use over and over it's pennies! You unscrew it throw away the tube and pop it on a new one! Tada!
The other products we were sent were the Ketchup Charlie and Mustard Marvin now this not only a hit with the kids but the adults too. You should have seen my moms face when she opened up the fridge and saw these. Hey why not a conversation piece in your fridge. I can't wait to have a BBQ and bust these out on the table, you just know all the kids will be bugging there mom and dad for their very own! Come on what's cooler then red and yellow stuff coming out of there noise and mouth!! They are super easy to put on you just screw them on, squeeze and out comes your condiment of choice! This is the best conversation I've ever had and for only $3.99 it's priceless! Come on I love being a talk of a party and this might just do it!

Now the fun part you get to win these for yourself!!!!

BUY IT: Toothpaste Heads for $4.99 and Ketchup Charlie/Mustard Marvin for $3.99

WIN IT: Had over to FAQ & Site Map : Spread Heads! and tell me something you learned.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Follow Spread Heads Blog
  3. Follow Spread Heads on Twitter
  4. Follow Spread Heads on Facebook
  5. Have my button up on your site
  6. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  7. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  8. Enter my To Desire A Devil Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  9. Enter my Sins of the Flesh Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  10. Enter my A Climate for Change Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  11. Enter my Can God Be Trusted? Finding Faith in Troubled Time by 1/17/10
  12. Enter my It Happened One Night Book Giveaway by 1/17/10
  13. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 1/24/10 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.

Make sure to head over to my friend (poser) Amy @ Keeping up with the Schultz Family for her round robin! Thanks for letting me show off my giveaway during your round robin.


  1. I learned:
    Does the inventor really exist and does he make live appearances?
    Depends on the season and the cycle of the moon.
    Too cute!!

  2. Thanks for the shout out. I will be back later to enter..

  3. I got you all linked up today. I will still be back later to enter.. I saw you are busy so I went and got you all set up...

  4. well now these are just way cool and so cute!!!

    have a lovely wkend!!!

  5. I found out that they are dishwasher safe. These are so cool, I am already thinking of next year for Christmas.

  6. oh my word those spreadheads are adorable!

  7. Hey friend! Stopped by to say hi. My kiddos are too old for these cute things so don't enter me in the giveaway.

  8. CUTE!
    Ketchup Charlie fits most upright ketchup bottles, GREAT NEWS!

  9. I'm following your blog, isn't it great to get new followers :)

  10. These are fun. My kids like the Toothtunes. This helped with teeth.

  11. Does the inventor really exist and does he make live appearances?
    Depends on the season and the cycle of the moon. LOL!!!

  12. I love that these are dishwasher safe! Who has time to hand wash things? Hence the piles and piles of HANDWASH items on my counter :O)

  13. Whoot whoot! My email hearts your email :O)

  14. I enterd the Desire A Devil giveaway even though I married one :O) teehee

  15. Sins of the Flesh - know me and books! We have a long affair

  16. Can God Be Trusted?

    Yes...duh...but I entered anyway!

  17. It Happened One Night.... yup and now I've got a kid...ha! Just kidding...I mean I do have a kid but I know that's not what the title is about. :O)

    I entered

  18. Third times a charm...showin the sidebar lurv

  19. Your button is here:

  20. My favorite thing I found out is that they are safe to put in the dishwasher! I have vowed never to buy anything that isn't dishwasher safe!

  21. I entered a climate for change giveaway

  22. I entered it happened one night giveaway

  23. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:40:00 AM

    Does the inventor really exist and does he make live appearances?
    Depends on the season and the cycle of the moon.

    That certainly leaves open quite a few possibilities...

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  24. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:40:00 AM

    Follow on GFC (Ally)

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  25. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:41:00 AM

    Email subscriber


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  26. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:41:00 AM

    Email subscriber


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  27. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:43:00 AM

    Networked blogs follower as rose manning


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  28. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:43:00 AM

    Networked blogs follower as rose manning


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  29. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:44:00 AM

    Networked blogs follower as rose manning


    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  30. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:44:00 AM

    Facebook Fan of Spread heads

    rose manning

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  31. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsMonday, January 18, 2010 5:45:00 AM

    Follower on the Spread Head blog

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  32. I learned that they are dishwasher safe.

  33. Following Spread Heads on twitter - henglish
