Friday, April 23, 2010

Is that a Smile or Has She finally lost it???


  1. great thoughts.. I always order my cakes if I wanted to make them I may burn down the house. Joking..

    Have a great weekend..

  2. As long as everyone had fun, who cares!

  3. Too late to dwell on it. It will be an awesome party and who cares what people think!

  4. have a fabulous time mom at the party xx

  5. Sweetie,
    Cole will LOVE anything you do for him... no matter what you do for him because he knows you love him. The other kids will just chow down on the cupcakes and love them because you are a terrific baker.
    If Rick says "I told you," tell him, HE could have ordered the cake because you did everything else! THERE!!
    Love ya!!

  6. I'm with ya on smiling when it's someone else's child that's going a little... nutty. Phew!

    And that cupcake cake? I think we need some pics!

  7. Hey I think the cupcake cake looked fine! Besides Duff does it every day for a living...sheesh don't be so hard on yourself there Super Mom! and it tasted great!

  8. I know, Duff does make it look so easy, but I would have fun making 'fondant creations' like play dough!

    Now thanks, I want a piece of cake and I do not have any, lol!

  9. You were brave to try a cupcake cake! I go as simple as possible for the kiddo's birthdays! :-)

    I always feel good when I see someone else's kid acting up...I know that's not so nice, but it does make me feel better about my own-LOL!

  10. Hello from PINT! You are not alone in the acting up kid department!! I thin kthey do it just to make us appreciate them all the more when they are good. =)

  11. Yum, now I want cake. LOL Stopping by from Supah's. :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!