Sunday, May 16, 2010

Eat & Beat Diabetes with Picture Perfect Weight Loss (Book Review)

As many of you have heard me say before Diatbetes is something that hits very hard at home at our house. Having lost my grandmother and poor Rick's side has lost a grandmother and four of her children from it. Thanks to reality shows like The Biggest Loser and others like the Food Revolution diabetes has had the covers taken off it and revealed to the world for the big bad wolf it is.

Diabetes can be controlled by many factors one being weight loss and food. As many know I'm on a path to loose weight along with not go down the same path as my grandmother. Doing so I have been cooking more meals at home and watching what goes into those meals. I have found another book that can help all of us with our path to being a healthier version.

Eat & Beat Diabetes with Picture Perfect Weight Loss is a wonderful book with helpful types on ways to substiute along with things you think may be good for you but really are not! I know sneaky little things!! Now most recipes book I get come from one great chef this book has recipes from SEVENTEEN top chefs! Believe me you won't be disappointed. And for people like me who love pictures this book is full of them for the recipes to the tip pages!

A part that touched me even more is that it focus and makes it a point to bring more light to a subject that so many don't want to see. Our youth right now have a shorter life span than the kids before them! Let's do our part to keep our kids healthy with better foods!

Fact: Every day in the United States 2,200 Americans are diagnosed with Diabetes. Let's not be part of the fact, let's be the ones that break out of the mold.

Of course I must leave you with some recipe! Click on picture to enlarge to get recipe sorry blogger was being a pain and wouldn't let me do these correct.

Thank you FSB for more yummy recipes to try out! I received a book to review and give my opinions on, I was given no compensation was given.


  1. We have a family history of diabetes, too, so this is something we watch. I always like to see recipes and/or pages from a new book before I decide whether to buy it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I know several people who are pre-diabetes, so this would actually be great for them too!

  3. Thank you for sharing this. Those recipes sound very good.

  4. Oh I would love this book, my father-inlaw is diabetic and I'll look into getting this for him! Thanks girlie!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!