Monday, May 10, 2010

MSM ~ Fish Tacos

Make Something Monday
As you all know I'm on a mission to make a new recipe at least 5 times each week. There is only so many recipes you can do with Chicken and Beef my two go to proteins. Now don't get me wrong I love fish & chips you know the ones that have battered in beer and served with fries, yup this girl loves to have some fish but that is when someone else makes it for me. Ok don't faint but this is the FIRST time I've EVER cooked fish, stop laughing and rolling your eyes (@@) at me.
Rachael my godess of all the craft projects and homespun yarn has been talking about fish taco's that she does one a week or so for the family. I of course smiled and nodded nicely thinking in my head yeah right me cook with fish, one hello I only buy chicken when it's on sale for $1.89 a pound I would never buy fish that usually is $5 something a pound. Like my penguins from Madagascar say "Smile and Nod". So knowing me so well she invited me and the boys over for dinner for "Fish Taco Night". Get this Cole ate THREE of them, and even picky no eating one, so you know it we're doing "Fish Taco Night".
This was so freaking easy, not on the cheap side but still a GREAT meal for less than $15 for 4.
I picked up some cod that I found wasn't deboned so I did just cut it out, yes there probably is a better idea but go with me it was my first time making it.

Heavy Pound of Code (Racheal told me to say this so you get a nice piece of fish)
Bread Crumbs (picked them up in the bulk section - cheap)
Corn Tortila's
Pre-made Slaw
Uncle Dan's Ranch (Rachael had a special green sauce I'll share next time)
Oil to fry in the pan

Put the oil in the pan on stove
I cut the code up into bite size pieces
put in egg and the in bread crumbs
put in HOT oil on stove, becareful it's hot and cooks FAST

Put on towel to get some oil off and then make up the ranch dressing. Heat up the tortillas in microwave oven put some ranch down (or the green sauce of your choice) add some of the pre-made slaw and add a piece of fish or two and ta da you're ready to rock and roll!


  1. They sound delicious!! I would try it, but I'm afraid to cook in hot oil like that-LOL! Maybe one day I'll get brave, but for now I think I'll stick to baking my fish ;-)

  2. wow! you have great ideas... new recipe 5 times a week...

    go you!!!

    this sounds awesome, i like tacos and fish.. so yea! bet it's good!!!

  3. sorry but fish isnt my cup of tea.. but glad you found something that your family likes...

  4. You know you can bread them with Panko and spray them with Pam and put them in the oven and you would think you had fried them and it saves a ton of fat and calories.

  5. another tasty delight for monday night xxx

  6. Sounds yummy but I never fry anything... I wonder if baked fish would work.

  7. They sound yummy. I have only eaten a fish taco once! I remember liking it.

  8. Woo Hoo! I am so glad you tried it! Hope that Rick enjoyed also. I also use Cod as it is an inexpensive but tasty meat. I have not tried baking the fish but I have been told by a friend that store bought fishsticks would work. I am kindof a fish snob tho and like it fresh and unprocessed.
    Let me know if you need the green sauce recipe (great on eggs too!).

  9. creative you,
    thank you for sharing!
    it is quite a challenge to create 5 new formulas each week. what an achievement that you actually doing it.

    Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  10. Wow Poser,

    Those look amazing and so yummy..

    Wow.. Have a great day..

  11. I love fish tacos, but I never think of making them. Thanks for the idea.

  12. Hungry...that looks and sounds fabulous. I love fish, but never cook it myself...I always kill it for the second time.
    504 Main


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