Tuesday, May 4, 2010

WWW ~ May Day Parade

As usual a fun and crazy weekend around here. But lots of fun as always and then Tuesday I pick up Caden to find he slipped and fell at Grandma's House and yup we have a shinner. Balance is not one of our best things around here, yes this woman who runs into walls still!
The many place Caden likes to sleep.
1) Couch
2) my floor w/ my blanket
3) His bed w/Slanket
Many faces of Caden
1) Pizza Face
2) Yup his belt on backwards thanks dad!
3) Blackeye boy - coordination we don't have
4) Jam Face
Cole got to help Rachael with a scarf she was making
He thought weaving on the loom was the coolest.
I was very proud of him and he wanted to keep going
Actually was a little sad we had to leave.
He kept asking can't I do just one more :)
Sunday my mom signed the boys up for a Parade
Braden, Cole's BFF from next door came along!
It was so much fun and I LOVED talking w/ his parents.
It was a lot of fun until it poured on us ... lol
The Old Canary brought their train that the boys rode on.
They had judging for each category.
Our super hero's tied for 1st place and got medals!
Mom took me and the boys to pizza at Aversano's for pizza
Check out the medals, isn't that cool!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. You are so busy all the time on the weekends!

  2. Honestly, you guys live life like nobody I've ever seen! So sorry 'bout that shiner though. :(

  3. Sounds like a busy but fun weekend. Kids can sleep anywhere and those super heros do deserve a medal :)

  4. How fun for them to be in a parade AND win a medal!!

    The loom looks like it would be fun! I don't know that I've ever tried one before!

    LOVE all the Caden pics! Too cute! :-)

    I also wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog! :-)


  5. Awww! Poor little guy with his shiner - but wow, you guys sure know how to fill your weekends with fun, don't you? :)

    WW: Princess Dinosaur Cookies

  6. your kids are sooo cute..

    and those many faces of caden are just precious!!

  7. I'm sure the boys loved their medals.

    Sorry about the black eye. Little boys do bump and bruise!

  8. u should be given an award for Mother of the Year u are always on the go, u rock xx

  9. That is awsome.. Sometimes I wish my mom lived closer to me. My mom lives in MN so its harder for my girls to be closer to her..

  10. Dang, those kids keep you runnin don't they!

  11. what a fun time.. even if there was a bump. Have a great day Poser..

  12. There is something so peaceful about sleeping kids :) Love those medals they received. Sorry about the shinner :( Wouldn't it be fun to be able to make scarf's like that?

  13. Always fun!
    LOVE the many faces of Caden!! So cute!

  14. Poor little Caden and his shiner... I love all his faces and sleeping areas. No matter how you dress him or what you do to his face, he is still a cutie-pie!
    I love how Cole is so concentrated on the loom, he looks like he is having a great time. How wonderful that Rachel is letting him help. The yarn is a gorgeous color.
    The parade looks like such fun and how wonderful that the kids got those medals to remember it.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!