Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ahh & Ahh Crap Moments (PINT Style)


  1. I've done that with the blinking red light!

    Congrats to your big guy!

  2. Really sorry about the job. What a jerk!
    Wasn't Cole tired.
    Last day of school and graduation. {{HUGS}}
    If anyone can pull of that party and a wedding you can! Have a nice weekend.

  3. I agree with Just Breathe: If anyone can pull off the party and the wedding, you can!

  4. LOL and sorry about the job...
    Have a good weekend!

  5. That so stinks about the job. That is just crazy.. I have a Birthday party on Sat. and a Bridal shower and I am going to be doing what you are doing. Running from one side of town to the other to get to both events. Wild times.. Have an amazing day.. Love the Gym talk. I now what some Mexican food..


  6. Will be praying for Rick and the job front!

    I've set at both a blinking red light and four way stop with just STOP SIGNS waiting for them to turn green.

    Three times this week.

    All in the same spots.....

  7. Geesh sounds like another crazy week! How do you make these post it notes for a blog? I like this idea....LOL

  8. Why don't you go to the birthday party and send Cole to the wedding!

  9. Sounds like you're going to have another busy weekend! Sorry about the job. I hope Rick finds something soon!

  10. another eventful week dear, glad Rick is gettin some work, superb xx keep smilin, we adore u xx

  11. I love it when my daughter is in the hugging and snuggling mood. It's the best!!!

  12. Ooooo crap. The car tags. I even had the check and everything all written out. I wonder where I put that. *sigh*

  13. You so made me laugh! Loved the blinking red done that before. Sorry about the job. It makes me so mad!! My baby is graduating from Kindergarten this week..Sad and it makes me feel really OLD!!

  14. That's a bummer about that job! I can't believe they did that!

    I'd be crying too if one of my little ones was graduating from kindegarten...I'll be crying when they go too! ;-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!