Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jalapeno Pop Stars Recipe

As you all know I'm always on the hunt for a great recipe. My favorite ladies over at My Baby Clothes Boutique have been so nice to send me a few of their favorites. And like the good hostess I am I have to share :). Hope you enjoy!

Jalapeno Pop Stars

I have a recipe that's going to make you the Pop Star of the next party. Now I can't take credit for this one, it was my husband's idea. Normally I get on him about his consumption of bacon and cheese, but this time he really popped this one out of the sky. I did tweak the spice part of it to make sure there is a POP every time you pop one of these bad boys into your mouth.

Jalapeno Pop Stars

1 package of center cut bacon
6 large jalapenos
1 brick of Cream Cheese
1 large bunch of chives minced
1 lemon
3 oz fresh lump crab meat
salt and pepper to taste

This really is a simple dish to make anyone rock the kitchen.
  • Take the cream cheese out and let it soften while you are preparing the jalapenos.
  • Slice peppers length ways in half and remove seeds and white membrane, then set aside.
  • In a large mixing bowl add cream cheese, chives, crab meat, juice from one whole lemon and salt and pepper. Mix well.
  • With a butter knife, fill the peppers till they are level with the cut side of the pepper with the stuffing.
  • Take the filled peppers and wrap with bacon. Start by folding one end over the top (where the stem was) of the pepper, overlapping a little bit. Then bring the bacon down and wrap around sideways. As though you are wrapping a blanket around a pig.
  • Place on a broil pan. Broil 20 to 30 minutes till bacon is nice a crispy all the way around. A trick to ensure even cooking, place poppers in the oven while it is cold and then start to broil them.
I am telling you this will make you a local Rock Star. There won't be a husband or child who won't be proud to say "My mom is a Rock Star in the kitchen!" Or make these for your next date night and you are sure to get things heated up.

Our star chef is Krissy Stark, a farm raised New Yorker. She contributes recipes for an online baby clothes boutique.

ALEXIS NOTES: Some good changes that I have done in the past is use Neufchatel Cheese and Turkey Bacon is always a good sub. I know we're already eating something high in calories but why not cut out some :). Remember to buy your crab in the meat section so you can buy just the right amount and not have waste.


  1. Oooo that sounds good! I love the crab included in it. And ummm of course the bacon. Thumbs up on the neufchatel and turkey bacon!

  2. Oh this sounds amazing. Not sure I would like crab meat, as I do not like any seafood I have ever tried, but I'm willing to try. Hope your enjoying your weekend:)

  3. these are fantastic. my neighbor makes these at any get together!!!

  4. You are such a whiz!!!! Those sound delectable!

  5. Yum! These would be a hit in my house too.

  6. Yeah for the turkey bacon.. Those do look yummy..

    I hope you enjoy your Sunday...

  7. My husband would love these! Not so sure what they would do for my heart burn though.. LOL!

  8. These look yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  9. Bill would love these without the crabmeat, because he hates seafood.
    I would like them without the jalepenos... TeeHee... I'm not one for hot stuff!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!