Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lumby on the Air Book Review

I'm a mixture of sadness and joy the latest Gail Fraser installment in the Lumby Series is about to hit stands on July 6th! This series is like a good tv series that you look forward to each week and feel like you know each characters. I wanted to stay up and read this book in one night but then remembered this is the newest addition and probably won't have a new one in 6 months to a year. I couldn't help it, I tried to read it slow but it didn't work I couldn't put it down.

In Lumby on the Air Mark and Pam are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and decided to have a family reunion ending with the renewal of their vows. They shut down the inn for a week and bring on the family members. As most of us know family reunions don't always go the way we would expect them to and then add in everyone staying for a week! Tempers will fly, secrets will come out and the past will be dealt with.

Along with the family reunion you have the county fair happening. Mark of course being the silly man he is will try to enter all the contest he can. Like a duct tape model, sheep shaving and bull obstacle course, not that he is in shape or form ready for these events but he sure will try. Did I mention he will also entered the chainshaw sculpting contest, two words that should put fear in the others is Mark and chainsaw.

Not only do they have on their hands Mark and his crazy antics they have family members. Mark Sister who's husband stole money from Mark was invited along with his brother in law who is a shock jock and then a teenager niece that is addicted to the internet and chat rooms. Oh yes then you add in Pam's mom with her mystery guest who will be a big surprise also.

While the Walkers are dealing with their guest and the once upon living room that is now turned into a radio show for their obnoxious brother in law that is saying horrible things about the town and their town people. The town is dealing with the one of the founders of the town is about to sell his land to the highest bidder. The amount of land he has could lead to a commercial developer buying it up for a ski resort. Can Lumby be saved from this horrible fate?

Along the way some will forgive, along with fall in love, see where they went wrong and see how dangerous trying to fit in and going to meet places they don't know can lead to a bad situation. Parents will grow, children will forgive and grow also and family will come together.

Enjoy I promise you will!

BUY IT: Lumby on the Air July 6, 2010 reserve your copy right now on Amazon for the sale price $10.12, regular price $15.00 or. Make sure to check out Lumby Books Series by Gail R. Fraser

Thank you again FSB you have given me the gift of the best series I've read in YEARS.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. This is my next book in my pile!
    I love the Lumby Books

  2. Don't you wish that authors could write as fast as you can read?!

  3. I looked for these at the library today but I couldn't remember the author's name. Duh. Have to write it down next time.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!