Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Need a Gift Quick? Check out FriendGiftr

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of FriendGiftr. All opinions are 100% mine.

Before having kids I was on the ball with gifts. I actually would have gifts prebought and wrapped sometimes even a month before the event. These days I'm usually running to the store an hour or less before the event. Now kids party I of course have to pick up a toy but for all my adult friends would love a gift card to their favorite store.

Can you image not having to run to the store picking out a gift and then running to either the party or even worse having to run to the post office to get the gift out in time for the event. I really do try to get birthday cards out on time, but I must admit these days you're more likely to get a happy Birthday via Facebook from me. I know I've let my friends and myself down :(. But don't you worry as always I have a solution, like I would ever let you down! FriendGiftr is great place you can find their website, Facebook, iPhone, Blackberry & Android. Don't worry you can choose from 120 different restaurants & retail stores. Choose a place they don't like, don't worry they switch it out for one of the other merchants! How cool is that? No extra charge, No Hassle now that is what I call the best gift ever!

So tomorrow is my 34 Birthday ... hint hint hubs you can always pick me up a gift card for my favorite shop! Oh yes I can find so many great deals to stretch my dollar!! The gift cards come in $10, $20, $25, $35, $50, $75, and $100. You can send me a $100 one :).
No more stressing head over and get a gift that anyone would love! Comfort of shopping in your slippers, how much easier can that get?

Visit my sponsor: America's Favorite Gift Cards


  1. That is so great. I'm always late getting presents LOL and gift cards sound perfect!
    BTW happy b-day tomorrow ;)

  2. That sounds like a great site. I used to be on the ball with gifts too, but not since kids.
    Happy Birthday friend! I hope you have a terrific one! I feel so old around all you other bloggers. Ya'll need to catch up to me. LOL

  3. Exactly! I used to be able to stay on top of everyone's birthdays, etc. Lately there's so much other "stuff" going on, I keep forgetting until the last minute!

  4. What a great idea! I've been SOL too many times!

  5. http://itistimetothinkformyself.blogspot.com/2010/06/jingles-june-follower-award-week-2.html

    thank you for the blogging friendship!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!