Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random Act's of Kindness

Last years birthday just came and went just kind of sucked friends and family forgot. This year I felt so loved and just overjoyed! It's been a rough few months and I can't tell you enough how much you all made my day. Thank you for the wishes here and facebook.

My day started with a horrible headache and I just thought oh boy not another bad year. But then during the day I got so many calls, I had to keep logging off to just thank everyone. I even got a call from one of my BFF Bloggy friends. Amy at Keeping up with the Schultz Family not only called to wish me happy birthday but posted a happy birthday to me. I asked if she wanted me to bawl all day long ... lol :). Love ya poser girl!

Then knock on the door and New Glasses arrived from GlassesUSA! Talk about a special treat!

Then Rick took the boys shopping and came back with a gift for me! My dad owed him money for working and Target had a deal on guess what??

Yes that is how it was wrapped lol. Yes it my EA for the Wii!!!
Then I get an email from KettleWorx for a review! I know isn't that awesome!

The Amazing Card and goodies that arrived from Amy!

A big thank you to Melissa who sent me a link to Uggs that were on sale that day too!! Of course they were on sale w/ shipping for the EXACT amount I had saved in my paypal from sponsored post! But they didn't except paypal ... ugh. LOL Hey I got more then I could ever ask for!

Thank you again for the best Birthday ever! Turning 34 wasn't that bad!! Thank you God for looking down on me, I was on a breaking point and you gave me more than I could ever ask for!


  1. So glad that you had a good birthday! You deserved it!

  2. I am thrilled to know that you have an enjoyable birthday yesterday!

  3. I am so glad you had a great birthday! I agree with the previous post that you so deserved it. Let me know how you like the wii active. I have been eyeballing it for awhile and the kettleworx intrigues me. Your new glasses look great! You are styling!

  4. great hope you had a good birthday, great pictures dear :)

  5. Sound like a perfect birthday and a well deserved day for you. I love your new glasses!

  6. I'm so happy that you had a great birthday: you so needed a day like that!

    Love the new glasses, and I can't wait to hear how you like KettleWorx!

    Love ya!

  7. Always two there are, no more, no less: a master and an apprentice.

  8. I got a bottle of Oregon Pinot- I will save and share with you one day!

    I did not ask for presents this year, only $$, so I could pay Robert back for my son's ticket to Spain, lol, he is my present- always has been.

    You deserve the best my dear- One day your son's will rock you out with love and support, and maybe breakfast in bed, at least I know they have the skillz, LOL!

  9. Love the new is my fave color! So glad you had a great birthday, you deserve it, girl!

  10. Wow what a Sexy Poser I see today.. Okay now are you trying to make me cry??

    You rock and I am so happy you had a great day.. I also loved that you got all of your fun gifts.. I want to win that thing you are reviewing.. Can't wait to see it..

    Enjoy your weekend.. You rock..

  11. I'm lovin the glasses girl!! And look at all the great stuff!

  12. I'm so glad you had a great birthday, you are the best and deserve the best!
    I Love ya girly!

  13. Nothing like a great birthday, especially when you didn't expect it! Love the glasses. Too bad about the Uggs but you will get them soon.

  14. so glad your birthday was good... cause you are right, it sucks when they aren't!!

    by the way you are soooo rockin' with you new glasses on!!!!!!!

  15. Your new glasses are gorgeous!
    Glad you had such a great day!

  16. Cute card, and I LOOOVE kettle bells. We have some, they are great! Those glasses look great on you!
    Happy Birthday!!!

  17. Sounds like a great day. The glasses look great and so happy your gonna get to review the KettleWorx program!

  18. I'm so happy you had a better birthday this year! As if getting older isn't rough enough, then to have a bad birthday makes it even worse.
    WAY cute glasses girl! And awesome for you and the kettle works review! I've been wanting to try them (my mom too), so I look forward to hearing all about them in your review (can you score a giveaway too?) ;)
    Big hugs for you mama!

  19. Oh girlie so happy you had a fun birthday :) you so deserve it!


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