Monday, June 28, 2010

Save your Cord Blood Stem Cells

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of CryoCell International. All opinions are 100% mine.

Are you or someone you know pregnant? I remember hearing something about when I was pregnant and saw the pamphlets but no one really ever talked about it. Then I saw it on movies like "My Sister's Keeper" and saw what it can do and how much it can save lives. Now you say oh yes I saw that on the latest doctor TV show but it's just a TV show. It's so much more it just becoming to have more awareness to share with the public. The best word of mouth is making it in main stream and letting the public know it's a real and important thing! Cord blood stem cells have been used to treat nearly 80 diseases in 12,000 transplants worldwide! Makes you stop and think doesn't it?

Enroll Today in the Cryo-Cell's Signature service and for a limited-time you'll receive a free Baby Jogger city Mini. These babies are the top of the freaking line going for close to $200 that is what I call a deal you can save someones life in the future and even get a little present for yourself for the upcoming baby!!! As we know exercise and having a baby go hand in hand. Oh wait it doesn't? Yeah that was my motto to and I'm now in the situation of trying to loose it 2 (ok almost 3 years later). I sure could have used one of these joggers to help me get back on track!

Cryo-Cell understand the need for a health you which is also the need for a health future for your soon to be baby! They have found the best gift that will no only benefit mom but baby. Mom gets some need exercise and baby gets some fresh air, which I know always helped my boys calm down plus being outside helps mom stay sane :). The award winning baby Jogger City Mini stroller would make any new mom and baby happy!! Oh yes how I would have taken this role of mommy getting back in shape to celebrate the new baby!

Easy to enroll by you have only until 6/30/2010 at Midnight EDT to enroll online or by phone at 1-800-STOR-CELL. Do it now you don't want to miss out on this amazing offer plus the health of your child is peace of mind knowing you've taken every step to for their future!

Visit my sponsor: Protect Baby, Protect Mom


  1. This is such a neat service. If it was around when my son was born, I didn't know about it!

  2. What a wonderful thing to have for a child... I wish it had been available when my children were born, I would definitely have taken advantage of the service.
    I also think the stroller giveaway is a terrific idea to get people informed of the service. Thanks for passing the word. :-)

  3. At first thought, it seems so odd, but it could really turn out to be a blessing if needed.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!