Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some Mild Frustration!

Proof I did it
Yes its a small pic for a reason.
NOT a pretty shot, thanks Rick!


  1. I don't like it when people want something for nothing. Glad you stuck to your guns! Wow, you are working so hard, good for you, keep going. I was just at a blog with before and after pictures.
    I want to be the after badly !!!

  2. another great busy week, relax and have a great weekend :@)

  3. My sister sold her old car on Craigslist and everything was quick and smooth. I'm still skeptical... :) I'm glad you found a buyer for the crib, though!

    Have fun with EA Sports! I can totally relate to preferring one day over another. With KettleWorx I like the Core workouts. It's easier for me AND it gives the most visible results. If I didn't know that the other workouts had value, I'd just do the Core ones. :)

  4. I've never sold anything on Craigslist. I usually just take everything to Goodwill but I probably should try CL.

    Good job on the EA! I don't have that one just Wii Fit.

  5. I'm scared of craigslist. I visualize creepy people with shady motives browsing for their next victim. Ebay all the way!

    Glad you finally sold it all, though.

  6. Wow look at you go.. I hope you sell your crib that is just crazy..

    Wow you look amazing and are going to have fun with your Wii..

    Love ya Poser..

  7. go you for working out.. looooove that pic/ lol

    yep! no matter- RUDE PEEPS will always exist!!

    have a great wkend!!!!!!!

  8. Good for you on both accounts: sticking to your guns and doing your Wii.

    That last just sounds soooooo bad.

  9. People always want something for free! So frustrating!

  10. I have heard some tough things about the Wii.. But sounds wonderful.. I need more exercise..

  11. OK...we totally have to talk. I need to get some exercise but really do not want to take my newborn out walking at 6 am nor do I want to go walking when it's 105 outside. What do you really think of the Wii for fitness? I need to do SOMETHING...

    AND... man, I'm SO feeling you on the garage sale thing. Its' you price it higher to get a decent amount for it knowing they all want to low ball you on it or just price it low and then not budge. I hate haggling... HATE IT!

  12. I'm a huge yard sale freak but never haggle. It drives me crazy to see people like this. I'm posting up my $5.00 deal for 5 items this week that I repainted and made pretty! So proud of your exercising, keep it up girl!

  13. Good for you for keeping to you exercise program, I am so proud of you!!
    Sorry you had such a rough time with that awful person, but so happy it worked out well in the end. I bet those nice people really appreciated it and will take care of it better than the horrible people who stood you up!

  14. Craigslist isn't always fun and games, but good when you get what you need/want. I have sold 3 vehicles, skis and my bike. Need to and have tried to sell more - like my X diamond ring --- but have been scammed 4 times - wire money, etc.... so be careful. But have fun. I am all about the RECYCLE - FREECYCLE - SELL IT

    stop by sometime -

  15. I bought some used yard toys for the kids and did okay. But I detest listing items on there. I have listed many items for my work ( motorcycles, dirt bikes) and I really hate it! The scammers are bad. It's a pain in the rear. Glad you stuck to your price and sold it.

  16. Way to go with the EA Sports Active! If you keep up with it you will see results. Me and my husband worked really hard with it for a long time and saw positive results. We haven't done it in a while due to being so busy, but I'm sure we'll get back on it later in the season. I wish you all the best.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!