Tuesday, June 1, 2010

WWW ~ Bumps, Bruises & Quilt Getting Closer

I love having an extra day off it was so nice to relax but now my week is all messed up .... lol I keep trying to figure out what day it is :).
Friday Cole stayed at my parents house, poor little Caden was a little sad but we cuddled. Of course he came home from Daycare with a black eye. I swear this poor little boy I need to put him in a bubble! Speaking of bubbles ... bubble butt boy ... hehe :)
My parents came by Saturday and picked up Caden and took both boys to my grandfather estate, yup the deal fell threw :(. My parents usually only take the boys for 2 hours so I rushed around to get things done not wanting to call because that usually opens the door to we'll bring them home .. no I need more time. So of course I'm waiting around and could have done so much more.

My parents brought over what looked like caramels, to my surprise it was fruit gel ... ugh! I have a feeling I'm a little lop sided I go into the the bathroom to see I put the ponies sideways. Then going to the gym I stop at a BLINKING red light, instead of stopping and going I sat there for TWO OK THREE minutes! Thank God no one was behind me ... UGH
Ok be ware we do have one bathroom pic, Rick called me in to take a picture. Yup that is pee with a plastic frog floating in the toilet! What's worse my kid doing it or my husband telling me to take a picture to show with you guys? The boys had a a great weekend, even played outside when it stopped raining on Monday afternoon and a little Wii Bowling!
We went to Rachael's for another session on quilting. Racheal and her husband Brian helped get the colors right, I'm so OCD I tried to match them all together, thankfully they were there to help me. Cole LOVES to help I think I'm going to have to do some projects this summer for him. So the top layer is done hopefully next weekend we'll be done.
Rick took advantage of the break in the rain, mowed the lawns and put up the new siding. We're trying to modernize the house to match the new town homes that went up next to us. Hopefully he'll have this done so to prime and then put the new house color ups!!
Wow that was a fun 3 day weekend, actually 2 in my world since I work Saturday AM and PM, but I'll take what I can get.

Happy Wednesday everyone! So what did you do this past weekend? Would love to hear what you did.

And of course I leave you with a recipe :)

Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies

Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies (Recipe Adapted from Betty Crocker)
Brownie Base
1box (1 lb 6.5 oz) Betty Crocker® Original Supreme brownie mix
Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for on brownie mix box
1/2cup butter, softened
1/2cup creamy peanut butter
2cups powdered sugar
2teaspoons milk
1cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/4cup butter

1.Heat oven to 350°F. Grease bottom only of 13x9-inch pan with cooking spray or shortening. (For easier cutting, line pan with foil, then grease foil on bottom only of pan.)
2.In medium bowl, stir brownie mix, pouch of chocolate syrup, water, oil and eggs until well blended. Spread in pan. Bake 28 to 30 minutes or until toothpick inserted 2 inches from side of pan comes out almost clean. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
3.In medium bowl, beat filling ingredients with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Spread mixture evenly over brownie base.
4.In small microwavable bowl, microwave topping ingredients uncovered on High 30 to 60 seconds; stir until smooth. Cool 10 minutes; spread over filling. Refrigerate about 30 minutes or until set. For brownies, cut into 9 rows by 4 rows. Store covered in refrigerator

ALEXIS NOTES: I used bulk brownie mix from Winco (recipe below).

Things You'll Need:

  • 3 cups bulk brownie mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 TBSP water
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil (or applesauce can be used)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • measuring cups
  • bowl
  • baking pan
  • working oven
  • a sweet tooth!
  1. Step1

    Set oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Step2

    In a medium sized bowl, beat the eggs and then combine them with the water, vanilla and oil. Set aside.

  3. Step3

    Pour 3 cups of bulk brownie mix into a large bowl. Combine wet ingredients with the brownie mix.

  4. Step4

    Using a spoon or an electric mixer, stir all ingredients until combined. Batter should be slightly lumpy. DO NOT OVER MIX.

  5. Step5

    Grease an 8X8 metal baking pan. Pour brownie mix into pan.
    Bake for 30-35 minutes. If you stick a knife into the center at the end of the baking time, it should come out clean. If it does not, continue baking for another minute or two.

  6. Step6

    Let brownies cool to desired temperature, then cut and ENJOY!!


  1. You always have such busy weekends!

    Those brownies look amazing. Did you bake them in an 8x8 or a 13x9 pan?

  2. Hey girl! I haven't visited in far too long....sorry!

    Sounds like a great weekend.

    I have to make those brownies TODAY!!! YUM YUM YUM!!

  3. Oh poor Caden that little guy.. Boo..

    What a fun weekend. I am always looking forward to what those boys are up to next. Really a frog in the potty. Are you sure Rick did not do that?

    The house is coming along and looks great..

    Love seeing the pictures of you Poser you are looking great. Love the pony tails..

    I think Belle left you something on my blog today swing by when you can and check it out...

    Hugs and love..
    Is your Birthday June 30th? E-mail me so I know thanks..

  4. Poor Caden! How did he manage to get that owie?

    The quilt is looking great! I can't wait to see it finished! :-)

    More home improvements! That's awesome! I wish we could get on top of some things that need to be done here :-)

    Those brownies look scrumptious! :-)

  5. Haha Great pictures! The Peanut Butter Truffles look yummy!!

  6. Awe Poor Caden, that looks like it really hurts.

    You are always so busy, reading your posts makes my head hurt.........LOL

    Good luck with all the home improvements!

  7. Busy, busy, busy.

    Poor little black eyed dude.

    I would think with all the hubby's spare time he would have a lot of that home stuff done :0

  8. love the frog.. hehe

    those brownies looks oh so good and evil!!!

    and his poor little eye.. so sad...

  9. Poor little guy! Sounds like you were busy -as usual.

    I tried not to look at the recipe - Still doing the Adkins thing. Ugh.

  10. Sorry to see the boo boo!..........
    If there was someone behind you, I suspect you would have been honked at!......lol....
    The quilt is looking good!

  11. It sounds like a good weekend. What HAPPENED to your kid's face man? DUDE!

  12. Poor Caden! How in the world did that happen?!
    The quilt is looking so good!
    And the brownies... To die for.

  13. I have to try those brownies. How exciting it is to change the outside of your house. I love the way the quilt is coming together.
    I love bowling on Wii. Ouch on that black eye :(

  14. His eye really took a banging. Poor little dude. Siding, brownies, frogs who enjoy sitting in pee...your house is wild! :)

  15. Poor little guy getting a black eye! Love the pee picture. That is too funny.Sounds like you had a fun filled weekend. We spent all day out in the yard landscaping. It was a beautiful weekend.:)

  16. Okay why am I spinning right now? I felt like I just read your novel in five seconds flat and caught up with you! LOL

    You go girl, now the pee in the toilet I had enough of that for the past fifty years! well almost!

    Happy Early Birthday girl, where are we going this year? Hmmm lets meet in Cabo Mexico :)

  17. Poor little guy!!

    Thanks for the brownie recipe! Yum!

  18. You have been busy, haven't you? Bummer on the eye - I know how those injuries go. Little Miss was my child who needed to live in a bubble. Luckily they somehow survive, no? :)

  19. Omg, poor little guy, looks so painful!
    And those brownies look TOO good!

  20. How did I ever miss this one!! Yum! This is my type of recipe! I could use a few right now...how bout a whole pan!!

  21. That was quite the black-eye! OUCH!! Love the pigtails and the frog!! The quilt is going to be gorgeous. Isn't it so much fun when it finally comes together!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!