Friday, July 30, 2010

Bringing Back the Mom & Pop Shops

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ramblers Way. All opinions are 100% mine.

I remember when my dad remarried and brought me to what I thought at the time was this little hick town. Moving from the big city to this little town almost killed me. That was before I got to know this great little town and all the wonderful little shops and owners.

Sadly one part of town has been bulldozed down and replaced by strip malls. We had the cutest drive in diner that has been replaced by a fast food restaurant. Thankfully one part of town still has some great shops. I worry greatly for them, my mom and I always shop there and try to keep them there, over the years some have been replaced but thankfully this little strip on main street has stayed mom and pop shops.

Rick always makes fun of me when I only want to go to the little shops on our rare outings for dinner or lunch. I love to give back, plus they have so much more charm and personality then going to dinner at a place that is in a hurry to turn your table over to get as many tips as they can get.

Ramblers Way is one of these great companies out there that is on a mission to revitalize America's small towns. There program they started is Made in America. They grow and produce their fine woolen apparel using 100% domestic resources. They have brought manufacturing facilities to these towns that so desperately need to be revitalized. They don't just preach it they follow what they say. Their building in Kennebunk, Maine was built in 1792 and has been fully refurbished.

As you know I've worked in the engineering firm for a while and have mentioned that LEAD status is a HUGE thing for buildings being done these days. Very FEW have passed the high standards, and don't achieve higher then a Silver rating. Which is a HUGE thing, so for Ramblers Way building to be GOLD Lead Certified is the creme of the creme. All I can say is I remember the engineers I work with pulling their hair out to reach Silver and it was months of changes and strict guidelines.

Make sure you check them out and remember if you buy from them your helping support small towns all over America.
Visit my sponsor: Made in America


  1. MOst of our local businesses have closed their doors for good because of big chains. It makes me so sad to drive through our downtown because it's empty.

  2. It's very sad to lose the small hometown stores. I do try to buy made in America items.

  3. I try my best to buy as local as i can and we usually always support our lil home town resturants when we do go out to eat :)

  4. This sounds like such a great company. I'm glad there is somebody looking out for the little people in this world. I try to shop at the small town stores in our community.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!